Foods or products toxic to animals

Several foods, medications or products can sometimes be benign in humans, but toxic or even fatal in our four-legged friends. Here is a non-exhaustive list.

Tylenol, Tempra (acetaminophen): Not recommended for dogs, Tylenols are downright deadly for cats. Cats do not have the necessary enzymes in their liver to metabolize the acetaminophen contained in this medication. This results in massive destruction of their red blood cells, and death can occur within 48 to 72 hours. If your cat has ingested even one Tylenol tablet, consult a veterinarian immediately.

Advil (ibuprofen), Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid): Although relatively harmless in humans, these medications are difficult to digest in our animals and can cause ulcers in the stomach or intestines. These ulcers can lead to intestinal hemorrhages that are sometimes severe. These medications also disrupt blood clotting, which can lead to abnormal bleeding. Poisoned animals may therefore experience vomiting (sometimes with blood), diarrhea (sometimes blackish), loss of appetite and abdominal pain. Depending on the dosage, the kidneys and liver can also be affected with serious consequences. Occasionally, the veterinarian may prescribe Aspirin to counter certain problems of blood clots in the vessels (thrombosis) or for other types of heart problems. The dosage is then closely monitored so that the treatment is done safely. Nowadays, there are effective and safe anti-inflammatories that can be prescribed by a veterinarian to your animals. So don't take unnecessary risks.

: Because of the theobromine it contains, chocolate can be toxic to our pets. The higher the concentration of cocoa, the more severe the toxicity. That said, it's all about the dose.

: Although the mechanism of toxicity remains unknown, it is known that grapes can cause acute renal failure in dogs. Dried grapes are more toxic than fresh ones. Symptoms of poisoning include vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, and lethargy. Hospitalization with intravenous fluids is then necessary. Toxic dosages are also unknown.

Xylitol: Did you know that most “sugar-free” gums contain xylitol? This product is also found as a sugar substitute in other types of sweets, toothpaste and some prepared products. This product can cause a drastic increase in insulin levels in our animals leading to severe hypoglycemia . Liver failure and clotting disorders can also be created. The animal will present weakness, depression, tremors, convulsions, vomiting, diarrhea, which could lead to death. Prompt treatment must be initiated. Consult a veterinarian!

Onions: Raw, cooked, dried or powdered, onions can cause anemia in cats and dogs that can potentially lead to death. The animal will have pale mucous membranes (gums), weakness and sometimes brownish urine. Ingestion of garlic , shallots or chives can also cause these symptoms.

Coffee, tea
: Causing vomiting, diarrhea, hyperactivity, increased heart rate and respiratory rate (tachycardia and tachypnea), as well as convulsions and nervous disorders, tea and coffee should be avoided in our animals.

Dairy products: Although not fatal, milk can cause digestive problems (vomiting, diarrhea) in animals not used to consuming it. The principle is that a cat or dog that does not regularly consume milk will stop producing lactase, the enzyme used to digest dairy products, which could cause digestive problems.

: Ingestion of marijuana can lead to symptoms of depression, gait disturbance, tremors, convulsions, pupil dilation, hypotension and various nervous disorders. An alternation of phases of depression and excitement may also be observed. Supportive treatment must be quickly established to avoid complications. Poisoning by cannabis smoke is rarer.

Antifreeze: With its sweet taste, antifreeze mainly attracts dogs. However, a few milliliters ingested can cause significant kidney problems in our animals. As early as one hour after ingestion, the animal may first present digestive (vomiting, diarrhea) and neurological (altered mental state, abnormal gait, depression) disorders. It is 24 to 96 hours later that acute kidney failure manifests itself. If in doubt, consult a veterinarian quickly.

Rat poison: Unfortunately, rat poisons do not only attract rats. Dogs can also ingest these products, causing serious consequences. Rat poisons cause blood clotting disorders. The animal may therefore first have small red spots on its mucous membranes (e.g. gums) or skin. Then, if it is not treated, it could die of hemorrhages in a few days. Rapidly started vitamin K treatment could save its life. Consult our veterinarians!

: The naphthalene contained in mothballs can cause anemia in animals that ingest it. In fact, this substance damages the structure of the animal's red blood cells, which leads to their premature destruction. Be careful!

Source: Mascouche Veterinary Clinic