Fanimo Advantages Program
Discover our loyalty programs with your favorite dog and cat food brands, without any hassle. No need to track your purchases: once you have purchased your 12 bags, the 13th is yours, automatically. Convenient, fast and hassle-free.

Accumulate Animo Dollar Points
Present your card when you shop to get your Animo dollar points back. Available for use on your next transaction, there is no limit or minimum amount. For full details, see the terms and conditions .

Free nail clipping!
Whether it's for your dog, your cat or your rabbit, as a member, your fifth nail clipping will always be free! Just present your Avantages Animo etc. membership card during the transaction.

Loyalty program
Enjoy the loyalty benefits of the biggest pet food brands. No more cutting barcodes or keeping receipts! After purchasing 12 bags, the 13th is free. A simple, practical and fully automatic system.

Program 12+1
Buy 12 bags and get the 13th free – valid at all times, on the entire store (excluding food and loyalty program items). An exclusive benefit that makes every purchase even more rewarding!
Trusted brands for the well-being of your animals
We select the best pet food brands, recognized for their quality and commitment to the health of your four-legged friends. Trust our partners to offer the best to your pets.
- 1st Choice - 13th bag of food free!
- 1st Moz - 13th bag of food free!
- Acana - 13th bag of food free!
- Amicus - 13th bag of food free!
- Big Country Raw - 13th bag of food free!
- Bold Raw/Mega Dog (Bold Nature) - 13th bag of food free!
- Boreal - 13th bag of food free!
- Farmina - 13th bag of food free!
- First Mate - 13th bag of food free!
- Fromm - 13th bag of food free!
- Gabo - 13th bag of food free!
- Hills - 13th bag of food free!
- Hurraw - 13th bag of food free!
- Loyall - 13th bag of food free!
- Martin mills - 13th bag of food free!
- Nature's Hug - 13th bag of food free!
- North Paw - 13th bag of food free!
- Nulo - 13th bag of food free!
- Nutram - 13th bag of food free!
- Open Farm - 13th bag of food free!
- Orijen - 13th bag of food free!
- Oven Baked - 13th bag of food free!
- Pet Curean - 13th bag of food free!
- Pronature - 13th bag of food free!
- Proplan - 13th bag of food free!
- Pulsar - 13th bag of food free!
- Taste of the Wild - 13th bag of food free!
- Valens - 13th bag of food free!
- Nutrisource - 13th bag of food free!
- Pet 4 Life - 13th bag of food free!
- Pro Series - 13th bag of food free!
- Little Love Bunnies (37oz Hay) - 6th Bag Free
- Happy Days (Goat Milk) - 13th free
- Oxbow - 7th free