Allergic? You can keep your cat!

Having allergies doesn’t necessarily mean you can’t have a pet or that you have to give up the one you already have. To help with this, learn more about reducing pet allergies and make a few small changes to your environment. Controlling allergies takes work, but if you really want to… YOU CAN DO IT!

Allergic reactions are caused by allergens—substances that are usually invisible to the human eye, such as pollen, dust, mold spores, and food additives. People with allergies are rarely allergic to just one thing. The allergens your pet carries are associated with their skin, hair follicles, and saliva. Pet dander—a natural combination of skin cells and saliva that your pet constantly sheds—is the most common cause of pet allergies. It’s the protein in these danders that cause the reactions, and they remain in the environment, mixing in with carpeting, furniture, and draperies.

“Fel d 1,” the cat allergen, is the main cause of cat allergic reactions. During the cat’s self-cleaning process, the Fel d 1 protein in saliva is deposited on the cat’s fur. It is also produced by the sebaceous glands – glands in the skin that secrete oils that keep the skin and hair smooth and shiny. Unneutered male cats typically produce more allergens than females. Proteins in cat urine will also trigger allergic reactions.

Some animals seem more tolerable than others because they have fewer allergens. Unfortunately, there are no non-allergenic animals. It is also true that hair length does not change the allergenicity of the animal. Within a given breed, or even a litter, you may find animals that you will tolerate better than others.

Allergies are usually cumulative. Since the allergic person is sensitive to more than one thing, it is the total allergen level that causes a reaction. Whether or not a person shows symptoms depends on the number of allergens present in the environment at the same time. A person with an animal allergy may not show any noticeable symptoms when the total exposure is below their allergy threshold. The problem begins when there are enough allergens in the environment to exceed this level. The goal is to minimize exposure to airborne allergens that exceed the tolerance thresholds and trigger attacks.

Clean the air
If your pet makes you sneeze, you are probably also allergic to dust, grass, pollen, smoke, feathers, air pollutants, perfume, or even certain foods. The following suggestions will help you reduce allergens in your environment:
  • Wash your hands after handling an animal. Do not touch your face, especially your eyes and nose, until your hands are clean.
  • Brush your cat daily to remove loose hair before it can circulate around the house. Finish the grooming session by wiping the cat with a damp towel. (If possible, a non-allergic person should do the grooming.)
  • Rinse your cat at least once a week with distilled water or try a hair removal wipe. There are also pet sprays on the market designed to reduce dander and shedding.
  • Invest in at least one quality air purifier with a HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filter. HEPA purifiers can be installed in home heating and cooling systems or powered by a standard electrical outlet. (The National Bureau of Standards states that air filtered by a HEPA unit is 99.97% free of all contaminating particles.) At the very least, put a HEPA purifier in the bedroom and keep pets away! Experts say that if you breathe “clean” air for 8 to 10 hours each night, you can probably tolerate more exposure to allergens during the day.
  • Make sure incoming air from windows or heating systems is filtered – air condition in warm weather and use muslin or cheesecloth over vents in colder weather. Keep unfiltered windows closed.
  • Keep everything as clean and dust-free as possible. Dust all surfaces regularly with a damp cloth. Vacuum instead of sweeping, and remember to change vacuum bags frequently. Electrostatic filter bags make the vacuum cleaner more effective at capturing allergens.
  • Keep in mind that the more washable surfaces in your home, the better. Choose furniture with smooth wood surfaces and simple lines, easy-to-wash walls, easy-to-clean blinds, and polished hardwood, vinyl, or tile floors.
  • All home textiles should be 100% washable and free of chemical finishes. Encase mattresses, box springs and pillows in anti-allergy covers. Purchase special pillows that are non-allergenic or filled with dacron or polyester.
People with allergies are often extremely sensitive to odors. Avoid perfumes, colognes and aftershaves, makeup products containing fragrances, bubble bath, air freshener sprays, hair sprays and cleaning fluids. Some scented laundry detergents and fabric softeners are particularly irritating.

And don't forget to watch out for mold growth, which is usually found in damp places!!!

By following these tips, you will reduce, or even eliminate, the factors that prevent you from owning a cat, or even in some cases, a dog! It will take great diligence and consistency, but if it is important to you, then you will not hesitate and you will be able to realize your dream of owning a pet.