How many litter boxes do I need for one or more cats?

As you've probably heard, we apparently always have to have one more litter box than the number of cats we have! That means if you have one cat, you have to have two litter boxes; two cats, three litter boxes... That's all well and good, but the big question to this rule that few of us actually follow is WHY?

First of all, like humans, some cats are simply dismissive and will refuse to use a litter box if another cat is already using it. So they need another one available to them. Other cats refuse to poop where they urinate and so they will need two litter boxes… yes! Cats can be picky too!

Now, what about where to put these litter boxes? In fact, the location is as important as the number. You should have your litter boxes in different rooms! I know it can be boring and we don't always have the space to do it, but it seems that your cat has a routine that leads him to rest and guard his territory from different places. So by having litter boxes accessible in different places, he will be inclined to use them, because he will pass by them on his daily rounds. This is especially true for unneutered cats, because for them specifically, it is as if the litter box is a sign saying "You are in my house!" Your cat will then mark in the litter box instead of on your wall or carpet.

You also have to be careful about where you put the litter box, because if it is, for example, in your laundry room and he has a major need to go when the washing machine is running, well your cat may find another place to do his business in peace. By having a second litter box in another room, you are giving him an option that could save you a lot of trouble.

The biggest problem occurs when you have more than one cat. While cats may get along great, that doesn't mean they share the same territory, which changes depending on the time of day. If there's only one litter box available for two cats, or if it's in one cat's territory when that cat holds that territory, the other cat may not dare venture there. So he'll have to relieve himself elsewhere... By having one more litter box than there are cats, as long as they're in different rooms, you'll give your companions more options so they don't frequent a claimed territory.

As mentioned above, you may have a cat that doesn't want to poop in the same place where it urinates, or that it pees in one corner and poops in another. That's why it's important to have a large litter box so that it can manage the space and keep its paws dry. Ideally, your cat needs a litter box that's high (about 12 inches - this will allow it to knock out half of the litter that's stuck to its paws using the momentum it needs to get out), translucent and without a lid. However, if your cat is old, sick or has a disability, consider making it easier for them to access the box by cutting a door into the plastic or installing steps on the sides of the box.

This is why it is imperative that you have one more litter box than the total number of cats you have at home. It will cost a little more and will not necessarily always be easy to manage, but it will also prevent incidents of uncleanliness that all too often lead people to euthanize their pet, thinking that it is probably a health problem. Several other solutions can treat the primary cause of the problem. However, a consultation with a feline behavior specialist can be useful. Do not give up and, above all, do not have your cat euthanized automatically because of a problem with stool or urine outside the litter box. Make the suggested changes and educate yourself adequately before making a decision. In the vast majority of cases, the uncleanliness problem can be easily resolved.