How to Prepare for Vacation with Your Pets

Finally, the long, beautiful sunny days are back. So it's time to prepare for our summer vacation, hooray!
For a few years now, the trend has been to include our little furry friends in our adventures. The good news is that more and more places are accepting our companions with open arms, sometimes you just have to look a little.
Who says escapades with our dog/cat, says a little more organization than improvisation.
Here is a list of essentials to provide for the needs of our travel partners:
First aid kit
As with humans, it is advisable to have some first aid products for our animals on hand. Here are some interesting products that can be found in our Animo stores. The following ideas are for information purposes only, you can make your own kit according to your pet's needs.
  • ANIMEU Soothing Ointment: This emu oil balm can be used as a moisturizer for dry or cracked pads. This Quebec product is great for relieving tired little paws after summer walks.
  • Citrobug insect repellent: a very gentle and effective product against insects to avoid discomfort following bites.
  • Tick ​​removal tweezers. A handy item to have on hand. If you find a tick on your pet, it is advisable to have it analyzed by your veterinarian.
  • A bottle of chlorhexidine: available in pharmacies or from your veterinarian, this antiseptic is very useful for disinfecting minor wounds since it does not cause any burning effects.
  • Bandage kit: Gauze and elastic bandages can be used for minor irritations. For any major injury, call your veterinarian before seeking treatment.
Car equipment
When it comes to the car, it is certain that several modifications are necessary for the comfort of your companion. If you travel with your cat, know that there are large travel cages to allow for greater comfort when traveling.
For pooches, we recommend a seat cover that is large enough and secure. We recommend a product available in our stores: The Silver Paw seat cover. This product is resistant to dirt, spills, scratches and hair while keeping our pet safe.
Despite installing a seat cover, it is still important to secure your dog to avoid injuries in the event of an impact. The REX car harness with tether cable is our team's suggestion for safety.
Here is a list of other interesting accessories depending on the activities planned during your stay:
  • Water bottle with integrated bowl
  • Silver Paw Life Jacket with Top Handle
  • Silver Paw Heating and Cooling Mat. Convenient for hot days or cold nights
Visit our in-store advisors and they will be happy to help you plan your vacation with your furry friends.
Wishing you a wonderful holiday with the whole family!
Source: Audréanne Lupien, Animal Health Technician (TSA)