How to Choose the Right Dog for Your Family

It's no secret that owning a dog costs money. First, there's the cost of purchasing one, which can range from $100 to $500, depending on the age of the animal. But adopting a puppy from a breeder can sometimes cost several thousand dollars. Then there's the other money you'll have to spend to ensure you raise a healthy dog.
According to the SPCA, it can cost $50 to $70 per month to provide your dog with the basic care they need for their daily routine, depending on their size. If you are unemployed, older, or have a limited income, you may find these costs difficult to meet.
A puppy requires spaying or neutering, although some shelters include the cost in the adoption fee. Adult dogs usually require monthly flea and tick prevention and vaccinations. Then there's food, bedding, food and water bowls, collar and leash, toys, grooming, licenses, treats, and boarding or boarding fees when you travel.
When a dog is sick, veterinary bills can add up quickly. While some breeds are more prone to specific health issues, any dog ​​can need emergency care due to illness or injury. No matter what your intentions are for your dog, when you first bring him home, he will quickly become a beloved companion. And if he does get sick, chances are you'll do everything you can to get him back to health—even going into debt.

Choosing the right dog

If you have decided to become the proud owner of a dog: CONGRATULATIONS! You will soon enter a unique and rewarding relationship. People who own a dog seem to be happier, more independent and feel more secure than those who live without one. It is important to choose the type of dog that best suits your lifestyle. Man's best friend comes in many breeds or breed mixes, each offering a different mix of personalities and traits. Take the time to talk with the other members of your family and determine together what qualities you want in a dog and what you would rather avoid.

How to Decide What Qualities You Want in Your Dog

If you've never had a dog before, it may not be easy to know which type is right for your lifestyle. Ask yourself the following questions:
Do you have an active family with young children, disabled or frail elderly people? If so, you'll want a gentle dog. In an active household, avoid toy breeds; they could be trampled by younger dogs and are prone to barking and biting. Large or boisterous dogs, on the other hand, may accidentally knock over a child or adult who is unsteady on his or her feet.
How much shedding are you willing to tolerate and how much grooming are you willing to pay for? Most dogs shed to some degree, especially dogs with a double coat like Chows and Akitas, which can be messy and cause allergies in some people. Dogs like purebred Poodles or Poodle mixes (like Labradoodles) require a lot of professional grooming, so you'll want to consider the extra time and expense of owning such a breed.

How active will you be with the dog? This is one of the most important questions you will need to ask yourself before buying a dog. If you are not terribly active, do not choose a dog that requires a lot of exercise such as a Golden Retriever or a Husky. On the other hand, if you want a dog that you can run with, choose an animal that can tolerate a lot of exercise of this type such as a Pointer or a Border Collie. Inevitably, a dog that gets enough exercise will be much better behaved in the house and will be less prone to anxiety and its potentially destructive consequences.

Who will take care of the dog? Even though children often beg for a dog and reassure parents that they will take care of it, the responsibility usually falls on adults (and even if the child does take care of the dog, you still need to supervise). Bottom line: If you or your family members aren't willing to feed or walk a dog, you shouldn't get one.

How much time would your dog be alone during the day? Not only do dogs need to go outside about every eight hours (or more often if they are puppies or older, sick dogs), but they can also suffer from loneliness and anxiety if they are isolated. You may need to hire a dog walker or take your dog to daycare.

Do you have other pets in the house and will they get along well with your new pet? Some dogs and cats do not tolerate a new pet in the home, so be sure to check your current pet's predispositions before committing to a newcomer.

Are you living in the right size and type of home for the dog you want to get? Large dogs like Labradors and Border Collies don't necessarily do well in a small apartment and need plenty of space to run and play, especially when they're young. But size isn't always a good indicator of energy level or suitability for a small home. Many large dogs are better suited to apartment living than small, energetic dogs like Jack Russell Terriers, for example.

Do you want a puppy or an adult dog? Starting a puppy from scratch can be a joy, but it can also be a lot of work. You'll want to make sure you have enough time to socialize, train, and housebreak your puppy. If you don't think you'll have the time or resources to do this, then a fully-grown domesticated dog is probably a better choice for you.

If you find that you don't have the means, time, or energy to care for a dog full-time, you can still benefit from having one or more dogs. Even short periods of time spent with a dog can be beneficial to both you and the animal.
You could ask a neighbor to walk their dog or volunteer at an animal shelter. Most shelters are happy to welcome volunteers to help with their homeless pets or adoption events. Not only will you be helping yourself, you will also be helping the animal socialize and exercise, making it more likely to be adopted.

Some shelters offer “pet rental” programs. Dogs available for adoption can be rented for walks or for a day. You can even foster a dog into your home temporarily until he finds a new home or you decide he’s the right dog for you.

A variety of different organizations offer specialized therapy with dogs or cats. They visit children's hospitals, assisted living facilities, senior living facilities, hospices, shelters and schools. During these visits, people are invited to cuddle and pet the animals, which improves their mood and reduces stress and anxiety.