How to Protect Your Christmas Tree from Your Cat

Is your cat crazy about your Christmas tree? Is he so intrigued that he can't wait to climb inside and knock over the decorations and get needles everywhere? Has he even nearly knocked it over? You should avoid letting your kitty get too close to your Christmas tree. This will help prevent your pet from getting hurt and also prevent damage to objects around it.

Holiday decorations cause many fires across North America each year. Properly setting up your tree is the key to a happy, mess-free holiday season.


1: Consider not decorating it.

The idea behind this technique is that you need to give your pet a period of adjustment and teach him that he should leave the tree alone. If you give him time to adjust, he will be less likely to want to explore it:
  • Fill a spray bottle with water and hang it there. You can set up the tree if you like before letting the cat examine it, standing nearby with a spray bottle filled with water, just in case.
  • If your cat shows signs that he wants to walk in the branches, you can spray him with a squirt of water on his back and tell him "no." He will get the message.

2: Decorate the tree while keeping the cat away.

It's hard enough juggling the tree, the decorations, the baubles that break without having to deal with the cat running around you trying to catch the decorations hanging from the branches. He'll figure out that you want to play with him, so it might be best to keep him away until the tree is completely up.
  • While you are decorating, if the cat is around, you should resist the urge to tease him with the decorations while you are putting them up. This will encourage him to see those little shiny balls as toys and believe that he can go and play with them whenever he wants.

3: Choose less attractive decorations.

Some of these will be irresistible to felines because they shine, they sparkle, they hang and they glow. Objects that are less shiny or even dull and do not hang will be much less attractive to your pet. For example, try to install decorations made of velvet, paper or solid colors. Avoid anything that hangs, moves or spins.
  • Choose plastic ornaments over glass ornaments, as they are less fragile. Try to find baubles and ornaments that won't break.
  • Twist the hook of the decoration around the branch instead of hanging it as directed in the instructions.
  • Never put items with catnip in the tree. It's just an invitation to come and knock it down.

4: Consider avoiding certain decorations.

Tinsel can be dangerous for your cat, as it can chew on it and swallow small pieces. Ribbons and other dangling objects can also be dangerous. Artificial snow is toxic and should only be used if you do not have pets or small children.
  • Garlands are not recommended in homes with cats. They can choke on the small pieces or suffer from intestinal obstructions.
  • It is also advisable not to use real candles on the tree if you have pets. It would be a shame to see your house go up in smoke just before Christmas because of an unfortunate paw from your feline.
  • If you like to decorate the tree with food, be careful what you put in it. Chocolate in general is toxic to cats and the smell could attract them if you hang it on the branches. In any case, it is not healthy to eat too many sweets (even during the holidays).

5: Place fragile decorations on top of the tree.

If you are putting up fragile, tempting or dangerous decorations, you should consider placing them in the top two-thirds of the tree. Your cat is less likely to reach the higher parts of the tree, which will help keep these items safe.
  • Some people even choose not to decorate the bottom third of the tree. That way, there's nothing that will attract the cat's eye at that level.
  • Some cats might feel like they have wings and will still try to climb the tree. In this case, you should avoid putting anything fragile or dangerous in the tree.
  • If you put up garlands, put them as high as possible, because a curious cat will try to pull on them and they can be very dangerous if he were to ingest them, they could get stuck in his stomach or intestines.

6: Securely attach decorations.

Use metal hooks that attach to the tree so that it is harder for the cat to knock them off. Avoid string, rubber bands, or other dangling fasteners to attach the ornaments. When attaching them, try tugging on them to see if they are secure to the tree and won't fall off easily.
  • Hang them using quality wire. Use a pair of pliers to wrap the hook around the branch, to prevent it from dangling and your feline from easily knocking it off.


1: Use a repellent spray.

Spray the Christmas tree with cat repellent, which you can buy at many pet stores. This will help keep your cat away from your tree without bothering your nose. You could also try a citrus spray, as cats hate the smell.
  • Apple cider vinegar can also be used to repel cats.
  • If you have a plastic tree, you can mix a little citronella oil in water before spraying the tree to make it smell unpleasant to the cat, but pleasant to you.
  • Spray pine cones with citronella and place several at the base of the tree. Cats will not walk on the cones. They will have the same effect if you put them around your houseplants.
  • You can also put orange peels under the tree to make it less likely for your cat to go near it. Cats also hate the smell of rotten apples, but chances are you don't like it either!
  • Try spritzing the tree with a little orange juice. Cats hate the smell of citrus, so you might want to keep them away with a little orange juice. You might also consider decorating it with orange slices.

2: Be careful with electrical cables.

Be sure to tape down any excess cords and keep them out of the way of your cat getting to the outlet or connections. Don't let cords hang loose, wrap them around the base of the tree instead of leaving them within paw reach. It may also be helpful to cover any exposed cords with a blanket or hoses to keep your cat from getting a bite.
  • You can also cover the cables with repellent. Be careful not to put too much liquid on the electrical cables, a small spray is enough.
  • Plug the lights into an indoor extension cord and cover the outlet with electrical tape. Then, simply unplug them from the extension cord to turn them off.
  • Consider using cables that turn off if they become damaged.
  • You should always turn off Christmas decorations when there is no responsible adult in the room to supervise them.

3: Distract the cat.

Put toys he likes in the same room as the tree and put his scratching board a safe distance from it. These are his objects, encourage him to use them instead of going to explore your tree. Make him use up his excess energy by helping him play. This way, he will have less energy to attack your poor tree
  • Keep his water, kibble and basket in another room. This way, he will be less tempted by the tree.


1: Decide what type of tree you want.

Real Christmas trees are potentially more dangerous to your cat than artificial trees. The needles on real trees are sharper and can pierce the skin of an overly curious feline, in addition to being slightly irritating or toxic if the animal were to chew on them (depending on the species you choose).
  • It's also not going to be very healthy for your cat to chew on plastic needles, so you should consider these factors when buying a tree to ensure your pet's safety.
  • If you choose a natural tree, also take a container that holds the water for the tree that is completely inaccessible to your cat. If he were to drink it, he could be poisoned.

2: Consider the size of the tree .

A small tree will be much safer than a large one, as there will be less weight to fall if your feline decides to climb on it and tip it over. If you have a kitten, opt for a tree to put on a table until he or she is older and calmer.
  • If the tree is less than two metres tall, it might be more practical to secure the legs of the stand with electrical tape to a sheet of plywood before placing it on a sturdy coffee table. This will allow the tree to be held above the cat, which should be less likely to arouse its curiosity. Of course, you should also ensure that the tree is not near a high point where your pet will attempt a "death jump" into the branches of the tree.

3: Choose a solid base for the tree.

You should always be careful when choosing the base of the tree and you should find a stable one in case the tree gets knocked over. This is as important for the safety of your children as it is for the safety of the cat.
  • Even an artificial tree must have a solid base.

4: Choose a safe location.

There should be plenty of space around the tree to prevent your cat from using furniture to jump into the branches. If there are shelves or other furniture nearby that he might see as potential runways, he'll probably want to try his luck. Place the tree in a room with plenty of space around it to discourage him from trying to fly to your precious tree.
  • If possible, choose a room where you can close the door at night or when no one is there to prevent the feline from approaching it. Obviously, this is not always possible, but if it is possible, you should consider it.
  • You could also mount it to the wall to add a little more security. Use a screw and some thin wire so you can't see it.
  • Use a skirt to hide unsightly safety measures at the base, including electrical cables.
  • Along with a sturdy base, you can anchor the tree to the wall or ceiling to prevent it from falling if your cat thinks it's a bird and wants to land on the branches.


  • Try not to put ribbon on gifts, this will attract your cat's curiosity.
  • You could also add some tape to the corners to prevent the cat from tearing the wrapping paper.


  • Do not spray a tree with electrical decorations. The water and electricity combined will create a short circuit that can set a house on fire.
  • When you lock the cat in at night, try to close the door to the room where the tree is. You'll sleep better knowing that your cat isn't planning to destroy the Christmas tree while you sleep.
  • Aspirin is often added to the water of the tree. It is toxic to cats. Instead, add sugar, but make sure that your cat cannot drink it, because it will probably contain sap, preservatives, pesticides and other toxic substances.
  • Be very careful with a kitten. Prevent him from chewing on electrical cables and getting electrocuted. Anything that dangles or moves will attract his attention.
  • Never leave a kitten in a gift box or cage under the Christmas tree, it is dangerous and cruel. A cat should be a gift that everyone wants and wants to take care of. On Christmas morning, make sure the kitten is in a safe place under supervision and bring it in your arms to introduce it to the whole family.
Source: WikiHow