How to care for your small rodents
When you arrive at a breeder to adopt a small companion, the choice can sometimes be difficult because they are all very cute. As adorable as they are, it is important to know that they can need a lot of maintenance despite their small size.
Let's talk about the needs of three of the most popular pets: the hamster, the guinea pig and the rat.
As you know, these three rodents live mainly in cages. The cage must have shelters, chewing toys and litter if necessary. For rats and hamsters, adding an exercise wheel can make them very happy. Remember that they are nocturnal animals, so avoid putting the cage in a bedroom.
In addition, it is essential to do daily maintenance to allow them to have a healthy environment. If you neglect cleaning, the odor released by their needs can quickly become nauseating. Choose a quality litter or pellet to put at the bottom of the cage to reduce unwanted odors in the house.
Since they cannot provide for their needs alone, you can understand that they are very dependent. They need you to eat and drink, so it is very important to regularly check their supply. Let's talk a little about diet. Let's start with the guinea pig. Also called a guinea pig, this little creature is herbivorous so its meals include hay, fruits and vegetables. In addition, it is very important to provide it with a source of vitamin C daily because it cannot synthesize it itself.
As for rats and hamsters, the good news is that balanced food and a variety of treats are available at pet stores at very affordable prices. Like guinea pigs, you can give them fruits and vegetables but only occasionally.
In conclusion, these little creatures are delicate and vulnerable, so they are not recommended for young children. Remember that shelters are overflowing with small rodents looking for their forever families.
Source: Audréanne Lupien, Animal Health Technician (TSA)
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