From birth to weaning

How do you know if your female is pregnant?
If you look for the first visible signs, you will find that her nipples enlarge and turn pink. Her belly appears swollen and the male's call fades. To make sure that she is indeed pregnant, take her to the veterinarian. The veterinarian will be able to do a health check and give advice to help her if necessary. An overweight cat or one with known health problems will need more monitoring to avoid further complications. In addition, if the professional judges that the pregnancy is too risky for the life of your four-legged companion, he may decide to continue the pregnancy and may suggest that you spay the animal. The veterinarian will also be able to estimate the number of kittens expected. This information will be useful when the cat gives birth in order to know if all the kittens have been born and if the delivery is complete.

So, whether you are caring for a pregnant cat or breeding purebred cats, the gestation period for a female cat is about 65 days. For the first six weeks, do not change her diet. During the seventh week, which is about 42 days of gestation, or when you see that her belly has grown noticeably, it is best to change her food to that of a kitten. Since her uterus is pressing against her stomach, this food is ideal, as it contains more calories in a smaller amount.

Watch for abnormal discharge coming from the vulva and if it is yellow-green. This could be a sign of infection in the uterus. If it is green and shiny, it could be a sign of placental separation, and blood loss could be a sign of placental abruption. If this happens, contact your veterinarian immediately. Being pregnant can weaken your cat's immune system and cause great stress, which can sometimes lead to illness. If your cat starts vomiting, coughing or sneezing, consult your veterinarian immediately.

How to prepare for the cat's birth?
Purchase formula and kitten-safe bottles in case the babies have difficulty feeding. Have a carrier on hand in case there are complications during delivery. Also have the number of your veterinarian or local animal hospital in case you have questions or experience difficulties during delivery. Have a stack of clean, dry bath towels ready in case you need to clean the kittens. If your pet has long hair, consider trimming it around the vaginal area and near the nipples so the kittens can nurse more easily. If you haven't thought about trimming their fur, don't do it after they're born, as it can prevent them from recognizing their mother's natural scent.

How do you know if your cat is ready to give birth?
A few days before giving birth, the mother-to-be will show signs of nesting. To help her, direct her to a cozy, warm, dark, quiet corner away from noise that you have prepared for her. In a large cardboard box, place newspapers at the bottom, towels and blankets that you are not afraid to dirty and that do not give off strong odors, because the mother and the kittens recognize each other by their sense of smell. Place this box in a room such as the bathroom or in the laundry room. You must ensure that this corner will not be disturbed by a dog friend or by children, because she must feel safe and relaxed. Therefore, in this room, she must have access to fresh water as well as her litter box. This should be placed at least one meter away from where she will give birth to reduce the risk of illness.

Here are some signs that labor is imminent:
  • Visible lack of appetite;
  • Look for a place to hide (direct her to her cozy hiding place);
  • Licking her vulva;
  • Purrs and cries loudly;
  • Panting and breathing raggedly;
  • Vomit (in some cases).
How to support your partner during childbirth?
Even if this is your cat's first pregnancy, she will instinctively know what to do. Keep your distance so as not to invade her space and interfere with the birth. She probably won't need you, but stay alert and be prepared for possible complications. Contractions are usually two to three minutes apart, and the time between births can vary. The amniotic fluid comes out first, and the kitten may come out either head first or hind legs first.

Pay special attention to the placenta. It should be expelled after each birth. If the kitten is halfway out and the mother cat has been pushing for more than five minutes and there is no progress, wash your hands and gently grasp the part of the kitten that is visible and pull gently during a contraction of the mother cat. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to consult a professional. Return the kitten to its mother as soon as possible so that she can lick the amniotic sac. This action helps to activate breathing, then she tears the umbilical cord with her teeth and eats the placenta, which gives it the nutrients essential for its survival for a few days. She can eat the first two or three placentas, but remove the others, because too much nutrition can cause diarrhea and vomiting. However, if the mother ignores a wet and shivering kitten, dry it vigorously yourself with a bath towel. This action will make the kitten cry and will attract the mother's attention. When she is interested, give it back to her to care for. An average litter consists of four kittens.

How to assist the mother after childbirth?
It is important to ensure that kittens nurse as soon as possible, as the first few days of lactation, the milk contains colostrum with essential antibodies for the babies. Kittens are deaf and blind at birth, so the process of finding a nipple may take a few minutes, as they can only find them by touch and smell.

It is also possible that the mother will not agree to feed them until she has finished giving birth to the kittens. If she is found to be rejecting and refusing to nurse a baby, prepare the formula and bottle that you purchased in order to be ready for the birth, and give it to her.

After they are born, keep an eye on the kittens to make sure they are growing and developing normally. If the mother continues to ignore a baby, try to spread her scent as much as possible around her. The new mother will not want to leave her kittens, so keep fresh water and good quality food nearby. This will allow her to take care of herself as well as her kittens. If you are breeding, keep a record of the time and date the babies and placentas are delivered to provide information to future owners.

The first weeks of kittens' lives

The first and second weeks
The first week of life, kittens only suckle and sleep. They are completely dependent on their mother because they are born blind, deaf and unable to walk. From the second week, they begin to move by crawling and their eyes begin to open. Little by little, they try to take their first steps and hear little.

The third week
Their little baby teeth start to appear around the third week. The kittens are now able to stand, so they start playing together and exploring their surroundings. Also, make sure they don't stray too far. That said, the mother cat is an excellent mother, so if one of her babies strays too far, she won't hesitate to go and get it. In the wild, mothers even take care of each other's babies.

The fourth and fifth weeks
She is already preparing her kittens for independence by leaving them alone for a short period at a time, but is careful not to stray too far in case an emergency arises. They imitate their mother when it comes to cleanliness, including washing themselves and using the litter box.

The sixth week
From the sixth week, the mother already begins weaning. In the wild, the mother cat gets doubly tired if she nurses in addition to hunting, so she begins to reduce the number of feedings per day. She thus brings them wounded prey to sharpen their hunting instinct in turn. On the other hand, for domesticated kittens, you should start to add another source of food such as adapted kitten food.

The seventh week
At this stage of their life, kittens become more and more boisterous, as they develop their character and senses. They explore their environment by licking and sniffing everything in their path. They spend their time playing rough games, nibbling each other and playing chase: stalking, sudden attack, capture. All this is normal, let them play together.

The Eighth Week and Beyond
The kittens are now fully weaned. They will therefore be fed with food appropriate to their age and water will be sufficient for them. From the tenth week, if that is your choice, the kittens will be ready for adoption. Around the twelfth week, they become independent of their mother. Then, around the age of three and six months, their baby teeth gradually begin to fall out and are replaced by their adult teeth. In the wild, females sometimes stay with their mother until they themselves become mothers. On the other hand, males are more independent and leave her to conquer other territories.

Socialization will be very important. From a young age, if domestic kittens have not gotten used to being picked up or handled by humans, they will remain fearful and hostile. The best time for them to become familiar with other animals, dog companions, children or adults is between the fourth and seventh week. As important as socialization is getting used to noise. This stage is crucial to development so that they are not fearful and become sociable, friendly and gentle companions with their animal or human counterparts.