Beginner's Guide for the Aquarist

Aquariophily is the hobby of caring for aquatic animals and plants in an aquarium or pond, while enhancing the aesthetic aspect of an aquatic environment.

Aquarism can be divided into four main groups:
  1. Cold fresh water (eg goldfish)
  2. Tropical freshwater (eg tetras)
  3. Cold marine water (eg gobies)
  4. Tropical sea water (eg clown fish)
Within each group there are a myriad of variations. For the beginner, it is recommended to start with a freshwater aquarium. Freshwater fish tend to be more tolerant of environmental changes. Also, since fish swim, eat and defecate in the water, the quality of the water is very important. Therefore, in small aquariums, the water quality can fluctuate very quickly, while in larger aquariums, the water tends to be more stable, the chances of bad consequences are reduced. Therefore, it is advisable to get the largest aquarium you can afford.

Your aquarium should be at least 36 inches. Glass or plastic? Glass aquariums are heavier, come in larger sizes, and don't scratch easily. Plastic aquariums can't hold large amounts of water.

Your aquarium should be placed on a solid, level floor. A sheet of polystyrene foam placed between the aquarium and the cabinet will absorb any unevenness and distribute the weight evenly. Your aquarium should not be in direct sunlight to prevent algae growth and should not be in a hallway to avoid drafts.

Be sure where you will place your aquarium before filling it, otherwise it will be very heavy and even dangerous to move.

Set up your aquarium
Once your tank is set up, add the gravel (if you are using a filter under the small pebbles, put it in first). It is recommended that you purchase the gravel from a specialist aquarium store, as gravel purchased from a garden centre can leach chemicals. The gravel should be poured with a forward slope to allow for easier cleaning.

You can add furniture and plants later, either before or after adding water. It is easier to place lighter items before filling the tank, but you won't see the effect the water will have. Heavier items should be placed after the tank is filled to distribute the load more evenly.

Water should be conditioned before being added to the aquarium because the chlorine content is toxic to fish, even though it is harmless to us. To avoid disturbing the gravel, place a plastic container in the aquarium and pour the water into it. This will absorb the force of the water into a gentler flow.

Next, turn on the heater and set it to the desired temperature for the type of fish. A temperature of 25 degrees Celsius is a good start. Your filtration system will also need to be turned on and the bacteria activator added. Never adjust the heater outside of the water to avoid damaging it. If you are using real plants, you will need to wait at least two weeks before introducing fish. This will help the plants establish themselves. If you are not using plants, it is recommended to wait a week to allow the water to stabilize.

Choosing and introducing fish
What types and how many? There is a huge variety. Visit an aquarium store. A word of advice, don't buy on impulse. Do your research thoroughly, taking into account their diet, compatibility, and size. The type of fish is also a consideration. Dominant and slightly aggressive fish should be introduced last. Also, fish should be added over a period of at least a month to give your filter time to adjust to the new additions.

When you put the fish in the tank, the bag should float horizontally for about 10 minutes and 5 minutes longer for larger bags to equalize the temperature. Then open the bag and add aquarium water for about 15 minutes to double the original volume of water. This step will allow the fish to acclimate to the new water conditions. Then turn the bag on its side to let it discover its new space. It is strongly recommended to feed the other fish in the opposite corner of the tank while you introduce the new arrival. This will allow the fish to discover the place without being disturbed by the curious residents.

Maintaining your aquarium
The "gold" standard for aquarium maintenance is to change 25% of the water every week. However, if your filter is rinsed regularly and you do not overfeed your fish, the water can be changed once a month. Changing the water and cleaning the gravel should be done at the same time. If you use a filter under the gravel, you can clean the gravel less often.

Afterwards, you will need to fill the aquarium with new conditioned water from the cold water tap, not the hot water tap (hot water dissolves heavy metals in the plumbing that can harm your fish). The water will then be heated before being poured into the aquarium.

Fish should be fed within a two-minute time frame. Any uneaten food should be removed. Typically, a fish's stomach is about the size of its eye, meaning it does not need to be overfed. More often than not, the fish will die from overeating rather than from not eating enough. Uneaten food will pollute the water and create poor water conditions; this will predispose the fish to die.

Here is a list of what you will need:

Essential equipment
  • Gravel
  • Filtration system
  • Water heater (with thermostat)
  • Thermometer
  • Water conditioner
  • Fish food
  • Nets

Good to have
  • Light
  • Plants
  • Rocks/wood
  • Bacteria activator
  • Water analysis kit
  • Gravel cleaner
  • Air pump + rock pump

  • Special lighting (grolux)
  • Algae scraper