How to get a new cat used to its environment?
Kitty's first days at home
The cat that arrives at your home may feel stressed or lost because it does not know its environment. It will tend to look for a place that it considers safe, which is why it is suggested to put it in a room where it will be safe and where it will have easy access to food, fresh water and a litter box. Even if you have not seen your kitty for several days, you can still be reassured if it eats daily and uses the litter box. Sometimes cats do not eat during the first few days in their new home. It is normal for them not to be hungry if they are very stressed. The best thing is to make sure that they are in a quiet place where they can gradually de-stress. You can try to give them something very tasty to eat and easy to digest, such as baby chicken in broth. Also make sure that they always have fresh water within reach. If you are not sure if the cat is drinking water, for the first few days, while it is stressed, it is recommended to give it canned food rather than dry food, so that it does not become dehydrated. Once they have regained their appetite, you can introduce them to the food of your choice. It also happens that the cat does not do any need at first. This is normal if it is stressed. Put its litter box in a quiet place where it will feel safe.
Do you already have other cats at home?
Some cats adapt quickly, but if this is not the case in your situation, it is recommended to place the new cat in a closed room, where it can be safe, with water, food and a litter box. After a day or two, when it has calmed down, remove the cat from that room and let it roam the house while the other cat(s) in the house are put in the room where the new cat was, so that they can get used to its scent. Do this for a few days until all the cats are used to the smell of the others. You can then introduce them to each other. If you see that there is still a lot of aggression, leave the cats together for only ten minutes at a time, until they eventually tolerate each other.
I would like to adopt a kitten, but I already have an adult cat at home. What should I do to ensure that its arrival goes smoothly?
It would be appropriate to place the kitten in a closed room for two or three days, with food, water and a litter box so that the adult cat can sense the presence of the kitten without being in direct contact with it. Then, the kitten is allowed to explore the home under close supervision. The adult cat will probably be very territorial and may spit or kick. It may be necessary to lock them in different rooms at night to give them some respite, especially if they seem anxious. Everything should return to normal within a few weeks.
The cat doesn't have the character you thought?
You thought you could pet your new cat, let him sleep on your lap or play with him for hours, but that's not the case? Every cat has its own personality. Give him time to show you what it is. When your kitty arrives at your home, he is stressed and feels lost. It is likely that his behavior in the first hours or even days will be very different from his usual behavior. The cat that hides and is afraid of everyone is usually an affectionate and gentle cat but very shy. Give him time to tame you. Ignore him and let him explore his new home at his own pace. Usually, at first, the shy cat only comes out at night to do a reconnaissance tour. He will then risk going out during the day when everything is quiet, but will run away at the slightest noise. When he feels confident, he will come to you to smell you. He may accept being petted and he will see that he can trust you. The cat that spits, growls and attacks is a cat that has chosen as a defense to make you believe that he is tough. He wants to show you who is in charge. Let him come to you, at his own pace. Tame him by playing with him.
Adopting a cat requires as much adaptation from humans to the new cat as from the new cat to humans. It is a mutual discovery that takes time and patience. You may go through a whole range of emotions during the first few weeks. Remember, you have just welcomed a living being who has his own personality and who deserves as much respect as you do. It is not a robot that you can program as you wish nor a trinket that will remain calmly where you want it. You must learn to live together and come to a mutual understanding.
Adopting a cat requires as much adaptation from humans to the new cat as from the new cat to humans. It is a mutual discovery that takes time and patience. You may go through a whole range of emotions during the first few weeks. Remember, you have just welcomed a living being who has his own personality and who deserves as much respect as you do. It is not a robot that you can program as you wish nor a trinket that will remain calmly where you want it. You must learn to live together and come to a mutual understanding.
Source: Verdun Cat Shelter
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