Hypoallergenic, yes, but…

What does “hypoallergenic” mean?

Larousse definition: Said of a substance which causes few allergic reactions.

(“Hypo” meaning “below normal.”)

No furry animal is completely hypoallergenic. The best way to know if you react to a particular animal is to initiate close contact and observe your reaction. The beauty of sheltering is that you will likely be given the opportunity to visit your future companion a few times before adopting him. This will allow you to properly test your reaction to his fur.

Please note that if you react well, this does not necessarily mean that there is no risk of an allergic reaction, but only that the risk is less significant!

Are you allergic to animals and still want one?

Please note that you can have a pet despite your related symptoms:
  • to the hairs,
  • to scales (dandruff),
  • to saliva,
  • to urine (especially in laboratory animals).
It is not necessary to touch the animal to have symptoms, just being in its presence is enough to react. The less sensitive see their symptoms only appear when they touch the animal and then touch themselves, especially the eyes.

Do you still want a pet?

To ease your symptoms, you can take certain measures such as:
  • Brush your pet daily and bathe him often.
  • Brush your pet outside your residence.
  • Wipe your pet two to four times a week with a damp cloth.
  • Always wash your hands after petting him.
  • Avoid putting your face in his fur and stop him from licking you.
  • Clean often: vacuum often, dust regularly.
  • Avoid carpets and air your home daily.
  • Clean your air conditioner or dehumidifier filters often.
  • Do your laundry in hot water to effectively eliminate allergens.
You love animals! These little (or big) "balls" of fur fascinate you! You're thinking about getting a pet, but the mere sight of them makes you sneeze! Your eyes are watering! You're scratching everywhere! How can you satisfy your desire without diminishing your quality of life?

First of all, you should know that animal allergies sometimes take several years to develop. It is therefore possible that you are allergic to your cat or your dog without knowing it. However, if you have repeated rhinitis or start to suffer from asthma, your four-legged friend may be responsible.

Parting with the animal
In most cases, doctors and allergists will advise you to get rid of the animal, without much success.

Among our French cousins, research has shown that between 75% and 90% of pet owners refuse to do this. For many, it would be like getting rid of a child...

The emotional shock of being separated from their dog or cat often scares them more than the unpleasant symptoms that will affect them for years to come.

Some practical advice
Are you allergic? You can always turn to a goldfish, which, in its bowl, will not affect you. However, forget about displays of affection and cuddles. But, if you insist on wanting a furry pet, you will have to make choices.

Here are some solutions that will help you live better with your four-legged friend.
  • Prefer dogs to cats.
  • Choose a short-haired or hairless cat.
  • Ignore boxer or schnauzer breed dogs.
  • Wash your pet at least twice a week using an allergen-free cleaning product.
  • Brush it every day, outside your residence.
  • Wipe your pet down two to four times a week with a damp cloth.
  • Wash your hands after touching it.
  • Put an end to the kissing and hugging.
  • Don't let your dog or cat lick you.
  • Wear a mask when he's around. He'll get used to it.
  • You can also “dress up” your pet.
At home
There are specific steps you can take at home.
  • Keep your pet indoors when you (or your neighbors) are mowing the lawn. Do the same during times when pollen is high in the air.
  • Vacuum at least twice a week.
  • Remove down-filled pillows and duvets.
  • Avoid carpets and other fabrics that may accumulate allergens.
  • Prefer leather, plastic and wood for your furniture.
  • Limit the number of pieces of furniture in the house.
  • Remove items that accumulate dust.
  • Dust regularly (at least three times a week).
  • Ventilate the house every day.
  • Have cages, litter boxes and pet beds cleaned often (twice or more each week) by someone (a relative, neighbor, spouse, child) who is not allergic.
  • Isolate the cat litter box by placing it in a closet, a corner of the house, or outside.
  • If you have a ventilation or air conditioning system, change the filter regularly.
  • Use a dehumidifier in the summer and wash the filter regularly.
  • Wash clothes and fabrics in hot water: it is more effective in removing allergens.
Other means
Put all the chances on your side. You can in particular:
  • Ask your veterinarian or the staff at your favorite pet store to recommend a pet food that will moisturize their skin.
  • And, if you are moving, find out if the previous occupant of the home had any pets.
If you're thinking about getting a cat, be aware that the species is responsible for two-thirds of pet allergies, especially males. Opt for a female or a neutered animal instead. But remember: the element that causes the allergy comes from their saliva or urine. And cats wash themselves regularly.

Other methods
Pet owners are trying a variety of approaches to help stop their allergies. But so far:
  • Immunotherapy has not produced convincing results in the majority of cases.
  • Desensitization is not necessarily effective.
  • There is no furry animal that is not 100% hypoallergenic.
  • And, for many, rats, hamsters and guinea pigs are not the ideal solution.
And the medication
If you are allergic to animals, there are medications that can relieve the symptoms, but not eliminate them. Some are effective for one person and less effective for another.
  • Consult a doctor, allergist or pharmacist.
  • Avoid trial and error when using over-the-counter medications.
  • Homeopathic treatments are sometimes effective, but not in all users.
  • Please avoid suggestions from Mr. or Mrs. Average. You risk doing yourself harm.
  • Consider animals with smooth skin, such as iguanas or snakes, if they don't put you off too much.
  • Some people are allergic to hair, but not to feathers. Would a bird satisfy you?
  • And an aquarium, does that tempt you?
Also be aware that if you don't have a pet, hair on the clothes of a coworker or friend who has one may cause an allergic reaction in more sensitive people.

If you are allergic to animals, remember that they also suffer from allergies to food, feathers, pollen or ragweed, or even dust mites. But rest assured, no dog, cat or bird has been diagnosed as allergic to humans...

Henri Michaud, Canal Vie editor