The skunk, know it to better avoid it

The skunk is a small mammal belonging to the Mephitidae family. Although it can be very cute in appearance, this little beast is rarely a favorite of humans due to its annoying and smelly means of defense.

Easily recognizable by its particular and unique look, the skunk that we see in Quebec is usually black with white stripes on its back. Having an omnivorous diet, it eats everything from plant matter to insects/small animals. Thus, we can see it walking in the woods as well as strutting around our neighborhoods.

When it feels in danger, the skunk is well known for its means of defense: its nauseating jet. The secretory glands of this one produce a liquid called musk and the attack can reach a distance of 4 to 5 meters. The skunk warns its victim before attacking it by growling, hissing or even by tapping its front paws.

What to do if you or your pet gets sprayed? Stay calm, this foul odor is only temporary. If the weather is mild, stay outside and spray your pet thoroughly to remove the excess musk. Then, there are several soaps and shampoos for sale at the pet store or veterinarian designed for this purpose. If unfortunately this happens to you outside opening hours, here is an easy recipe to make with ingredients that you will easily find in your cupboards:

● 1 liter of 3% hydrogen peroxide
● ¼ cup baking soda
● 2 tablespoons dish soap
● Add water as needed to obtain a sufficient quantity to cover your pet and even do several shampoos if necessary.

It is not only its musk that you have to be wary of, but also the spread of disease. The skunk is one of the animals that can potentially carry rabies. It is therefore important not to approach it and to take your animals out on a leash if you think you have one sharing your yard. Being active from March to December (down to -10℃), it is still very active in the fall. Its layer of fat forms during this season so that it can then hibernate in winter.

Did you know that she rarely digs her own burrow? She will take advantage of a hiding place already dug by a marmot under your balcony, shed, etc. To prevent the skunk from settling there, it is important to fill the burrow well after the departure of the previous inhabitant.

What is the solution to get rid of it without cruelty? You can use a box or a cage that you will set up at the exit of the hiding place to capture it. Place a canvas or thick blanket on top to avoid getting sprayed. Afterwards, it will be quite easy to move the skunk into the wildlife. If you prefer not to do it yourself, you can contact the humane society in your area for help.

Wishing you a mild and hassle-free fall with your furry companions.

Audréanne Lupien, Animal Health Technician