The Guinea Pig
The Guinea Pig
Have you ever wondered if a guinea pig is suitable for your family, your habits? Is it an animal that your child could take care of? What care should be given to it? What foods does it eat? What is its longevity, its needs, its origin, etc.
Quite often, we get a pet without really knowing the implications of such a purchase. So here is a little information about the Guinea Pig.
Perhaps this article will help you properly determine if this animal is right for your family!
The first Europeans to encounter these small, stocky and cuddly animals, which were later called guinea pigs, were the Spanish soldiers who, around 1530, reached and conquered the mysterious Inca cities of Peru and Chile. The Incas raised them to eat them in large baskets inside their huts, and they liked them so much that they offered them to the deceased as a dowry for the afterlife, as evidenced by the many mummified rodent bodies found in tombs. Later, in the 18th century, guinea pigs arrived in Europe in the holds of the ships of Dutch explorers, and they began to be bred as pets. It is known that the family to which it belongs, that of guinea pigs, dates back to the Tertiary era, and more precisely to the Miocene (between 5 and 20 million years before our era). But the origins of the guinea pig, also called guinea pig, are not yet completely defined. In fact, we do not know precisely the ancestors of this friendly little animal that we often welcome into our homes. It probably comes from a cross between two wild species. Now, it is no longer found in the wild, but it seems that, even in the past - when it lived in South America, on the high grassy plateaus of the Andes, at altitudes that could reach 4,200 meters - it was rather different from the wild species that we know today.
There are several varieties of guinea pigs, classified into several categories: smooth hair, long hair and wire hair. Within these categories, there are several types of hair (satin) and colors. There are even hairless guinea pigs, such as the Skinny or the Balwin.
Ideal Master
The guinea pig is not ideal for young children. It is a fragile and very sensitive animal. Unlike other rodents, it cannot defend itself, which makes it very vulnerable.
Male or female
If you decide to buy a single guinea pig, it doesn't matter whether it's a male or a female, because the character and behavior are similar. The only difference is that the male is a little bigger. However, if you choose a female, it's best to check with the seller that she hasn't been in a cage with a male, because otherwise, after a few weeks, you risk finding yourself with a whole brood of guinea pigs at home when you thought you only had one (this is called a "kinder surprise" litter)!
Alone or as a couple
In the wild, guinea pigs live in small groups, composed of a male, the leader, his "wives" (yes, he has several) and their young. The members of the group always stay close to each other and carry out their activities together, because mutual contact reassures them and gives them a feeling of protection: for example, they often rest lying side by side. So, if possible, it is always better to take at least two guinea pigs and put them in the same cage. As we have already said, it is better to choose two animals of the same sex, unless you want to expand the small family quickly. You should know that the reproduction of guinea pigs is much more delicate than that of other rodents. It is therefore recommended not to acquire guinea pigs with the aim of breeding them.
While we should not generalize, two females will get along very well, as will two males if they have been together since they were puppies and provided that there is no female around, because, in this case, it is inevitable... they will fight in a duel. However, we must take into account the "adolescent crisis" of the guinea pig, during which each individual questions the hierarchy. Thus, guinea pigs who got along very well can, from one day to the next, start fighting to the death. The social life of the guinea pig is very flexible and changes according to the circumstances, unlike the majority of other rodents.
The ideal age
The ideal is to adopt a guinea pig that is five to six weeks old. Indeed, animals that are too young, that have not yet been weaned, are not yet socialized and their immune system is still developing. Thus, an unweaned guinea pig can suffer from growth retardation and remain weak throughout its life.
The guinea pig is very sociable, it likes to live in pairs. Unlike some rodents such as the hamster, it lives during the day (diurnal) but the guinea pig spends part of the day resting. Very docile, it bites and scratches very rarely. It communicates by making small noises.
As with any other animal, the most suitable diet is the one that most closely resembles the food that the guinea pig would find in nature. The guinea pig is a strict herbivore. Its diet must consist of hay at all times, as well as vegetables (the equivalent of at least 10% of the animal) and more rarely, fruit. All these fresh or dried plants allow it to wear down its teeth that are constantly growing, especially hay which contains abrasive crystals. Extruded foods (complete pellets, especially not a mixture) are also necessary, but can be done without them. You should never give sweet or industrial treats, which are very bad for your health.
The normal temperature is 38 to 39 °C. The guinea pig is very fragile in terms of its heart, it is necessary to avoid picking it up abruptly or making noise. If it is poorly fed or suffers from a hereditary problem, its teeth sometimes grow too much (malocclusion) and it can no longer eat, it will then be necessary to file them down and give it liquid food. It is sensitive to skin diseases, good hygiene of the cage and the practice of quarantine for new arrivals can prevent these. It can suffer from cystitis or pneumonia. It is very sensitive to vitamin C deficiency.
Buy a guinea pig
The guinea pig is a very sensitive animal that expects a lot from its owner. Several very important points must be taken into consideration before deciding to welcome one. This is not a purchase that is made on a whim!
He can't stand being alone
The guinea pig is a gregarious animal that maintains very close social bonds with the members of the group in which it lives. It is therefore advisable to adopt several – two individuals are a minimum. You will need to invest in a large cage!
If you can only accommodate one animal, you will have to spend several hours a day with it and place its cage in a busy room. An animal alone in its cage, in an isolated room, and having little contact with its owner is unhappy: it falls ill more easily and its life expectancy is significantly shortened.
He needs daily contact with his master
The guinea pig is neither an ornamental animal nor a rodent that is difficult to handle. It is easily tamed and very affectionate.
He is a big softie and a cuddle freak who loves spending hours in his master's arms. He returns the favor very well by expressing his happiness with squeaks, coos and gurgles.
So many good reasons to make him happy and enjoy it too!
He needs space
Even if it does not display the same frenetic activity as a chinchilla or a hamster, the guinea pig needs a lot of space! You need a cage at least one meter long for one individual, wider than it is high (it is the floor space that matters); it is commonly found under the name of "rabbit cage". The space and the budget that you have to accommodate your guinea pig are therefore also to be taken into account.
It is not always suitable for young children
Contrary to popular belief, the guinea pig is not always suitable for children under 7 years old. It is a sensitive rodent and is physically and emotionally fragile.
He is also very fearful, and does not have the reflex to signal when he is hurt, unlike the cat or the dog for example, who by a little bite or scratch can show that we are not treating them properly. A young child who is brutal risks not realizing when he is hurting the guinea pig.
He needs fresh vegetables every day
Here too, it is appropriate to put an end to a preconceived idea: vegetables are not bad for guinea pigs, and are not treats to be distributed on occasion. As a strict herbivore, the guinea pig in the wild eats at least a tenth of its weight in fresh vegetables!
An adult guinea pig weighing 1 kg needs 100 g of greens per day, every day. You must therefore be sure to be able to supply yourself with fresh and varied vegetables at all times!
He needs vitamin C every day
Guinea pigs do not synthesize vitamin C. You will therefore have to give it to them in the form of a food supplement or vitamin C-rich plants, at a rate of 20 mg per day and per "kilo of guinea pig" (see chapter "Food", page 45). A guinea pig suffering from vitamin C deficiency (scurvy) will die in excruciating pain.
He lives between 5 and 7 years
Guinea pigs live for about 6 years, and records of 11 years have even been recorded. A guinea pig at home is a companion that will be by your side for a whole period of your life! What happens if you are planning to live abroad or go to study?
It is absolutely necessary to take into account the longevity of your guinea pig before acquiring one if you have a busy life.
It is not an "economic" animal.
Many people who don't know about guinea pigs think that they eat just a little more than a hamster... Think again! Every day, guinea pigs should eat 30g of pellets, plus at least 50g of hay and around 50 to 100g of fresh vegetables!
Furthermore, it is a "big polluter" whose litter needs to be changed two or three times a week. It is therefore not suitable for small budgets!
It requires a lot of time and availability
A guinea pig at home means at least two hours of cuddles and walks every day, an hour of cleaning per week, regular errands, time to devote to preparing vegetables, etc. Not to mention emergency visits to the vet! A sick guinea pig cannot wait and you must be prepared to deal with any health problems without delay.
The arrival of the guinea pig at home
Prepare for your arrival
To ensure that your guinea pig is properly settled, you need to determine the final location of the cage to avoid disturbing it later. You also need to plan everything you need to welcome it before it arrives. Here is what it consists of:
- a large cage with its accessories (bottle, bowls, rack)
- several packs of extruded complete foods
- several bundles of hay
- an assortment of fresh vegetables
- a toiletry kit (brush, nail clippers, possibly comb and shampoo)
- a first aid kit
Get a cat or rabbit carrier and line it with a thick layer of hay for your guinea pig to hide under.
If possible, avoid public transport, which is too stressful. Be careful of drafts and heat stroke!
Arriving home
You've finally brought your guinea pig home. Before you start taming him, leave him alone for a few days so he can get his bearings.
Imagine: after a traumatic capture and journey, he has just arrived in a place he doesn't know; he has to get used to a whole new environment, a whole new life!
If you constantly change the location of the cage or modify its configuration (by moving the shelter, feeder, waterer, etc.), your pet will have a hard time adapting and will remain very stressed! It is recommended to place the cage in the room where you are most often. Your guinea pig will get used to you and the noises of the house much more quickly than if he remains isolated in a room away.
The acclimatization period
Once your guinea pig is well settled, he will gradually get used to his new life. This is the acclimatization phase, a very important step. Some people advise not to put any shelter (nest, house, etc.) in the cage during this period to prevent the guinea pig from hiding there permanently. Because if he stays hidden most of the time, he will be difficult to tame.
However, the guinea pig is still more reassured to be able to observe its new world from a safe place. Opinions are therefore rather divided on this question: should we prioritize the comfort of the guinea pig or its sociability? It is therefore recommended to only leave the shelter for the first two weeks or to replace it with a large ball of hay under which the guinea pig can take refuge if something frightens it.
Guinea Pig Feeding
The guinea pig is a small herbivore that needs a suitable diet, otherwise it quickly becomes ill.
Unfortunately, many guinea pig beginners start off on the wrong foot, relying on misinformation from pet store salespeople or thinking that simply giving a guinea pig a bowl of pellets will keep it healthy.
In this chapter you will find the concepts you need to know to provide your little companion with a diet that is as close as possible to that which he has in the wild.
The ideal menu for your guinea pig
Proportions for an adult guinea pig of 1 kg and for one day:
- 30 g of complete food (extruded pellets) specially for guinea pigs enriched with vitamin C (2,000 mg/kg minimum)
- Approximately 100 g of fresh vegetables: fennel, endive, carrot, pepper, celery, cucumber, dandelion, parsley, tomato, cucumber, etc.
- Fresh hay at will
- 20 mg of vitamin C in any form (three times more for pregnant, lactating and young females)
- fresh water at will.
No treats! While these products are sometimes useful for omnivorous rodents, they are dangerous for herbivores!
Forbidden foods
- Fruit and vegetable waste (not fresh, moldy, soiled, etc.)
- Cooked vegetables
- Frozen vegetables (they have been pre-cooked)
- Poor quality hay
- Potato (the whole plant: tubers, peelings, tops, sprouts, etc.)
- Onions
- Belladonna
- Anemone
- Fern
- Rhubarb
- Houseplants
- Table waste
- Sweets, candies, chocolate, honey…
- Industrial sweets made from cereals or dairy products
- Dairy products and eggs
- Cereals (except occasional oatmeal)
- Food for other rodents (i.e. not intended for guinea pigs)
The social life of the guinea pig
Socializing a guinea pig should begin as soon as possible after weaning – from about one month of age. This is when they will be most willing to be tamed. Of course, it is not impossible to socialize and tame an adult guinea pig, but it does take a little more time and patience.
How to Socialize and Tame Your Guinea Pig
Time, patience and regularity: these are the three words to remember to successfully socialize and tame a guinea pig. To ensure everything goes well, don't rush things!
First contacts
Once your guinea pig is used to its new surroundings, you can begin to tame it.
Approach the cage and speak to him softly. He must understand that you are a "friend". As soon as he no longer runs away in your presence, open the door of the cage and place your hand with a piece of vegetable inside. Unless he is very fearful, success is guaranteed! He may nibble you, but it is only to "taste" and learn your smell. If he bites harder, do not correct him or the trust would be broken!
After several tries, when you see that he is no longer afraid, you can touch him lightly. Do not insist if he is scared.
Never pick him up if he is in his shelter, eating or sleeping: this would be considered an intrusion into his territory, in other words a real aggression. When he is used to it and no longer shows any reaction of fear or defense, you can move on to the next step.
The first hugs
Your guinea pig is used to your hand and your smell. You can now try to pick him up, very gently. If he is afraid, do not insist and try again later.
During the first few cuddle sessions, make sure your guinea pig is comfortable and try to see what type of petting he prefers. You'll soon find out!
Daily “tenderness breaks”
You can now make "tenderness breaks" a daily habit with your guinea pig. Over time, these physical contacts will create very strong bonds between him and you. It is always good to establish fixed times for these moments so that your guinea pig gets used to them even better and even looks forward to them.
The first releases
Now that your guinea pig is used to you, you need to get him used to going out of his cage and broaden his social horizons. You need to teach him to discover other people in the family, and possibly other places (other rooms in the house, garden, etc.) and other animals. This is the final stage of his socialization in the human world. Outings must be done under close supervision to avoid accidents!
Contrary to popular belief, guinea pigs are not suitable for very young children, because they are very sensitive and delicate animals. Of course, when an entire family takes in a guinea pig and at least one parent ensures that the child takes care of it properly, the animal can definitely become a companion of choice.
How to properly pet your guinea pig
To ensure that your guinea pig enjoys its cuddle time, here are 3 basic rules to follow.
It is very important not to leave the guinea pig's rear end hanging in the air. Your companion needs to feel that his body is safe (as if he were in a burrow) in order to be relaxed. He will also appreciate being against you, well held and supported, and not just "sitting" on you.
Most guinea pigs like to be petted, not finger-twisted. They also love to be massaged… especially on their butts! Of course, there are some guinea pigs who don’t like to be touched. In fact, they’re most afraid of hands. So if you can find a way to keep your guinea pig close to you without your hands bothering him, chances are he’ll enjoy that kind of physical contact.
Take your time! Pick up the phone to ensure complete peace and quiet, and set aside at least half an hour a day for your pet's well-being.
Sometimes, when being petted, the guinea pig will headbutt: this is to say "No more of this, that's enough". This is never an aggressive sign, but rather a gentle warning message.
This is also something that only a confident guinea pig can do, they only do this headbutt when they are not afraid of the person petting them! So this is a good indicator to know when your new companion is finally used to you.
This pet that we think is easy is actually a little more complicated than it seems! That is why it is important to always get adequate information before purchasing an animal and to make sure that you are able to give it the time, love, attention and affection it deserves.
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