The hedgehog: charming and endearing
Would you like a hedgehog as a pet? It's possible! Indeed, the African pygmy hedgehog (Atelerix albiventris) makes an excellent companion. Well tamed, this original little mammal is quite charming and does not sting at all.
Before Adopting a Pet Hedgehog
You should know that this is a solitary animal. It is therefore not recommended to have two females. But male or female can get along well. How to define sex to make an informed choice?
It can be difficult to do this sometimes, especially if it remains in a ball. A tip: place it in a transparent container. This way, you can discover its genital area once it has unrolled.
How to choose it
To choose a hedgehog, handle several and choose the one that is the nicest and gentlest.
You will definitely want a healthy hedgehog. To check this, make sure that it walks without losing its balance and can curl up into a very tight ball.
His quills should also be firmly planted. If he loses some and the skin is showing, there is a problem.
As for the age of adoption, it is possible to separate the young from their mother between 8 and 10 weeks.
Habitat and maintenance
Compared to cats or hamsters, hedgehogs have almost no smell if they eat the right food. If they do smell, it is likely that their cage or exercise wheel is not cleaned properly. Or else there is some excrement that has accumulated. Well trained, The hedgehog can do its business in a litter box, like a cat !
Despite what you might think, a hedgehog is very active and needs to move. So don't be surprised to see him climbing, running or digging. So, give him the chance to do it as he wishes.
A large wire cage with a wheel (at least 12 inches), a bowl, rocks and a playhouse is suitable. An area of at least eight square feet is recommended and paper on the bottom of the cage is ideal.
As the hedgehog is sensitive to the cold, add a small fleece blanket and a heating mat under the cage. Never inside. Ideally, the temperature should be between 24 and 29 °C.
Exposure to temperatures below 18°C could cause your new pet to go dormant. If this happens, warm them up and seek veterinary attention immediately.
A playful animal
Provide toys for your prickly friend. Although he plays differently than a cat or dog, he will seek to explore, climb, pull and push objects.
The Order of Veterinarians of Quebec recommends the following toys for hedgehogs:
- Raw, untreated leather toys;
- Babiche bone for dogs;
- Paper bag;
- Small toys for children on wheels (trucks, cars). He likes to push them;
- Magazine: loves to shred them and pile the pieces in his nest;
- Cat balls with or without bells that he will love to push with his nose;
- Cardboard boxes: he hides in them and explores them. If they are stacked, he climbs them. When several are connected by tunnels and access ramps, it is total joy. He will work hard to find some treats hidden here and there;
- PVC tubing or clear dryer hose;
- Large rock, brick or large block of wood to climb on.
A good feed for insectivores or even hedgehogs is necessary. It can sometimes be difficult to find such feed, so if necessary, a good dry cat food low activity might do the trick.
However, you need to ration your hedgehog and supplement it with other foods such as fruits, vegetables and some insects (mealworms, crickets, silkworms). Make sure that the insects you get come from breeding and not from the wild.
On average, a medium-weight hedgehog should eat 1-3 tsp of feed + 1-2 tbsp of fruits and vegetables + 3-5 insects, 3-4 times a week. It is suggested to feed it in the afternoon.
Her favorite treats? Dried fruits and vegetables, baby food, cooked white rice, watermelon, bananas and... tofu!
Foods to avoid
Never give your hedgehog the following foods: raw meat, carrots, peppers, pineapple, grapes, eggs, popcorn, table scraps, milk (other than its mother's), or any foods with artificial flavors (chocolate, sausage, chips). Never give it whole nuts, as they could get stuck in its mouth.
Never leave food in their cage for more than 3 hours. It is also crucial not to place cedar shavings outside their cage.
Longevity, weight, size
A hedgehog can have a long life expectancy. It is estimated that it can live from 4 to 8 years. Its average size is 10 to 15 cm and it can reach a weight of 400 g (ideal weight).
Unexplained behavior!
Did you know? When it encounters a new or irritating substance, or a particular smell or taste, it will lick and chew it. It will then produce a thick, foamy, white-beige saliva that it will then spread with its tongue on its quills.
This ritual would be called "anointing." No one seems really able to explain this behavior.
Don't panic! This foam is harmless and evaporates after a few minutes. Some substances cause this reaction more than others. For example, tobacco, soap, perfume, nail polish, fish, hedgehog droppings and sour milk.
An easy-going companion
Aside from this strange behavior, his character and attitude are relatively easy to live with. Remember that he is a nocturnal animal. If you wake him up in broad daylight, he may therefore be more grumpy.
The more you handle your hedgehog, the more time you spend with him, the more he will develop and interact with you. He will get used to your presence, your voice, your smell and will trust you more and more.
With time and patience, you can get him to play ball. He will sleep on your lap and come to you if you call him.
Caring for your hedgehog is relatively simple! Give him a full bath or a foot bath occasionally. And have his claws trimmed once in a while.
This will help clean his paws of feces and keep his claws at the correct length to prevent injury.
To give him a little foot bath, it's very simple. Start by pouring 1 cm of warm water into a sink with a dab of mild baby shampoo. Then let your hedgehog walk in the water for a few minutes.
You can then gently brush his paws with a toothbrush if necessary before cutting his claws.
For a full bath, fill the sink with warm water so that your baby has enough up to his belly. Add a few drops of olive oil or vitamin E. Then gently pour a little water over his back (avoiding the ears, eyes and nose).
Then put a dab of shampoo on his back. And brush him with a toothbrush, in the direction of the spines and hair. Rinse your hedgehog well with lukewarm water by passing him under the tap, paying attention to his face and ears. Dry him with a towel and make sure he doesn't catch a cold.
Hedgehog spines
The hedgehog's body is covered about 35% by spines that it generally uses for defense. You should expect to be pricked by its needles. This can happen if a sudden movement or noise frightens it.
And if he's angry, you'll know it! He'll growl and raise the quills on his forehead as he charges the object or animal he's after.
If he is really scared, he will curl up into a tight ball with his spines raised. You can pick him up, but never try to open him up as you risk hurting him.
Common illnesses and injuries
Tumors: Many hedgehogs develop cancer between the ages of 3 and 5 years. Unfortunately for them, 85% of these cancers are malignant. The most affected areas are the skin, mouth, uterus, mammary glands and digestive system.
See a veterinarian promptly if you see a lump or blood in your pet's urine or stool.
Obesity: A hedgehog that eats too much and does not exercise enough quickly becomes obese. The ultimate sign that a hedgehog is too fat: it can no longer close completely when it curls up. Weight loss should be done gradually and under the supervision of a veterinarian.
Quill Loss: Parasites, ringworm, or bacterial skin infections are the most common causes of skin problems that cause abnormal quill loss. A veterinarian will be able to run tests to make a diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment.
Wobbly: This neurological and fatal disease often appears in young hedgehogs (18 to 24 months). The animal initially has difficulty moving and later becomes completely paralyzed.
The exact causes of the disease are not yet determined, but a genetic component is present. No treatment is available to date. Euthanasia is an option to consider for animals that no longer have a quality of life.
Diarrhea: Bacterial infections, parasites and intestinal tumors are possible causes of diarrhea. In all cases, the hedgehog should be seen promptly by the veterinarian.
Strangulation of a limb by a fabric fibre or hair: The fabrics used in the cage must not be able to fray (example: terry towel).
A wire could come loose and wrap itself around the legs. It cuts off blood circulation and causes the limb to swell. If it is not removed quickly, amputation may become necessary. It is therefore wise to inspect a hedgehog's toes and legs regularly.
Mites, ticks and fleas: Dust it with insecticide on the back of the body, where it cannot lick itself. In addition, you should disinfect your entire garden.
Fungi : The veterinarian will perform a scraping and advise you on the appropriate treatment.
Chapped ears : This comes from a problem with mites or fungus, once the main problem is solved, you will use a cream based on cocoa butter to moisturize it.
Vomiting: This is rare, but can happen when traveling by car. You should give him water to avoid dehydration. If the problem persists, you should go to the vet, as it could be a gastrointestinal problem.
Where to find a hedgehog to adopt?
You will find the domestic hedgehog at some breeders. They make sure to produce animals that come from parents with a good character. In addition, they handle them from a young age in order to accustom them.
This makes the animal gentler and less anxious, which makes them forget to train their spines. The hedgehog remains a reserved animal that is wary of strangers. But it will easily recognize the smell and voice of its master. The hedgehog is like a teenager… grumpy at times, but oh so endearing!