The master of smells
Although puppies are essentially blind at birth, their sense of smell is fully developed and active. It is the most important sense in dogs and the one we humans neglect the most. While we focus on what things look like, our dog's attention is focused on an assortment of scents floating in the air: what the neighbors had for dinner; which raccoon came walking through the yard last night; whether the retriever next door just had a bath...
Humans have 6 million olfactory receptors; dogs have 300 million. In addition, the part of the brain that analyzes odors is 40 times larger in dogs than in humans. This allows them to find a lost walker, find buried truffles or even locate a dead body underwater. So it stands to reason that we should harness this astonishing power in our own dogs.
Although they rely on their noses to survive, most of today's domestic dogs are a little out of practice. The good news is that with a little planning and patience, you can add fun scent games to their repertoire of behaviors and help them use that untapped scent power.
Let the games begin!
Find the food
All it requires is that you place small treats around the house while your dog is outside the room you are doing the training, hoping that after calling him, he will locate them by scent. Once he finds the first one (often by accident), he will quickly learn that he can find more with his nose. Start by placing one or two treats in plain sight. He will happily eat them and look for more. Repeat this process, but this time place the treats out of sight, in slightly less obvious places (in a corner, under the couch or coffee table, or even slightly under his pillow). Then, simply let him find them on his own. You will quickly notice that he will look for them by scent rather than by sight. You can even try this outside and make things increasingly difficult.
Which hand?
Start by getting small treats that you can hide in your hands. Hold one in one hand, palm up, and don't squeeze too tightly. Then, with your dog in front of you, show him that fist and let him sniff it. As he sniffs, say, "Find it!" Once he sniffs, open your hand and offer him the treat, saying, "Good dog!" Repeat this a few times. Then add the other hand. Don't show him which hand you're hiding the treat in. Show him both hands, palms up. When he sniffs the hand that's holding the treat, repeat, "Good dog!" Switch hands every so often. Try to really notice when your dog's nose seems "alert" before you open your hand. When he seems to be succeeding, you can put your palms down or even add a friend's palms to the mix for fun. This will teach your dog to locate the treat by scent alone.
Hide and seek
Here's one that uses you as a treat. While your dog is distracted somewhere in the house, hide in a closet, under the bed, or somewhere he doesn't normally expect to see you. Then call him and wait without saying anything. He will inevitably start looking for you. Once he finds you, praise and reward him! Then try this outside, ideally just you and him. Have a friend hold the dog, then go hide. Your friend should wait 30 seconds, then call out "Where's (your name)?" and let him go. Within a few minutes, he should have spotted you. You will then need to reward and praise him. Increase the distance and he will find you no matter where you are.
Shell game
Get four sturdy, coffee-cup-sized containers that your dog can't break or knock over easily. Avoid glass and paper, as one can break easily and the other is too fragile. With your dog facing you, take a treat and hide it under one of the four containers. Then move the container. Then tell him to "Find it!" When he sniffs, lift the container up, and as he eats the treat, tell him to "Good dog!" Then add a second container. Repeat. Even if he drops the container, it's okay. And so on, until all four containers are in the game. At that point, you'll know he's using his nose and not just picking at random.
Where is the meal?
While wild dogs must track and capture their food on a daily basis, our dogs know that they will find their meal in the same place every day. But what if, when you call yours for mealtime, his bowl is no longer in the same place? It's simple, he will immediately start looking for it. Try placing the bowl in the next room to start. He will sniff around excitedly and pick up the rich scent of the bowl within seconds. The next day, hide the bowl somewhere in the house and call him for mealtime. It will take him a little longer, but he will eventually find it. Once he gets the hang of it, move the bowl once or twice a week and let him search!
Scent trails
Food isn't the only scent that interests dogs. Unique scents like essential oils (lavender, anise, and valerian work well) can motivate dogs and will excite their hunting instincts. To start, take one of his favorite toys (a ball, if effective) and put a few drops of essential oil on it. Then, play with him and the object outside for a bit (throw and fetch) and follow up with a treat. The next day, when the dog is not around, hide the same toy, then place small pieces of oiled paper on the floor, leading him 20 feet from where you hid the toy. Then, let the dog into the room where the trail begins and call out, "Find it!"
Most dogs will smell the pieces of paper and eventually associate that scent with the ball. You can show him the first piece of paper and have him smell it. When he finds the ball, reward him! Gradually reduce the number of small pieces of paper until he can do it on his own. Once he has mastered it in the house, try it outside. Then, change the scent and toy and start again. You can use any scent you like! Go with your dog's preferences (chicken fat, cream cheese, peanut butter, etc.).
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