The Dog Park: Tips for a Positive Experience

A dog park is a place where they can run free, in a designated and often fenced area. Here are some good reasons to take your dog to these exercise areas, as well as the pros and cons to know. But let's start with the rules.

The 15 General Rules of the Dog Park

  1. Access is not recommended for children under 12 years old.
  2. Dogs must be up to date with their rabies vaccinations. They must also be free of parasitic diseases.
  3. Dogs must be kept on a leash until they reach the double doors and will be released at that point.
  4. Dogs are the only animals allowed in the park. They must be accompanied by an adult or a person aged 14 and over.
  5. They should have a medal issued by the City, up to date.
  6. Supervise your dog at all times.
  7. Do not use toys when there are several dogs.
  8. Do not feed your dog while it is inside the park or bring food or alcohol for humans.
  9. The park gates must remain closed at all times.
  10. The human should immediately pick up the dog's droppings and should bring bags to do so.
  11. It is highly recommended to sterilize both males and females.
  12. Females in heat are not allowed in the park.
  13. Smokers must put out and throw their cigarette butts in the designated areas and not on the ground.
  14. The human must have control of the dog.
  15. The human must take legal responsibility for his dog and the damage he may cause.

Having a dog: a slice of life

If you have a dog, you probably experience this situation every morning… Still a little sleepy, you feel his tail whipping the air. Slowly, you open one eye, then the other, and see your dog staring at you for a while already. He just jumped into bed to wake you up!

His internal clock told him it was time for the whole household to get into action. A few seconds later, the clock chimed. He was right.

You look out the window and think that the weather is not so bad after all. Pulling on the first clothes you can find, you slip outside, hoping to meet as few people as possible. Even though you are used to your neighbor judging your morning attire, you don't want to be seen like this by a large audience.

Every morning, you go for a thirty-minute walk in the park. You always come across the same dogs, always in the same place: each one has a precise schedule, set to the last detail.

Halfway, finding that your companion has walked well, you decide to spoil him. So you turn off at the third tree after the bush; he knows the way. He knows what is happening and starts to trot happily. You go to the dog park.

When to take your dog to the park?

Precisely, a good practice is to make him expend a little energy before going there. An overly excited dog could undo the order established in a park. Of course, you also have to think about finding a time of day that suits you. Try to avoid going there when the sun is at its peak and during busy periods.

Your four-legged friend will be able to run freely and socialize there, which will contribute to their physical and psychological well-being.

By going to the same park often, you will come across the same dog owners. You will start to know them and their pets. If your dog doesn't get along with one of them, you will know which times to avoid.

When you arrive, observe the dogs present and identify those with whom your dog might get along less.

Most of the time, dogs will never go too far from their owners. So, by positioning yourself as far away as possible from less welcoming dogs, you can avoid some arguments.

How often?

Did you know that the dog park should not be a place for daily canine exercise? This should instead be done during a good interactive walk, that is, by incorporating training. This is the best way to tire your pooch physically, mentally and thus have a better relationship with him.

Going to the dog park every day and meeting other dogs can create hyperarousal. And, in some cases, increase their aggression. It is generally better to have a dog that is more excited about seeing humans than dogs. This is why we will favor walks or dog-human interactions.

Why should you be careful at the dog park?

First, you need to be able to read your dog's body language. Having a basic understanding of this is important to being able to communicate well with your dog.

With this tool, you will be able to react better if your dog shows signs of discomfort. That is, he is not comfortable, and therefore, you should change something in this environment.

For example, a dog that does not feel comfortable:

  • licks his nose often
  • yawns excessively
  • look away
  • show teeth
  • etc.

So be prepared to leave the dog park if you notice that yours is not comfortable. It is completely normal for a dog, just like a human, not to like everyone.

If there seems to be tension between your dog and another, be responsible and simply leave the area. There is nothing wrong with having a dog that doesn't get along with all dogs. You just have to know when to leave.

Also, if you do go outside, do not tie your dog up in the enclosure. Instead, wait in the designated area.

The importance of recall

Timing of departure can be a key element in exercising the most control over your dog's safety. It is recommended that you practice recall before heading to the dog park.

The best thing is of course to do it at home. Then, afterwards, find a time when the park is not busy so you can practice the recall there again. It will be easier when you want to leave, or simply call him to avoid him getting involved in a fight.

Another tip is to encourage him to come back to you regularly at the dog park, using treats . This is quite simple; just give him one or two treats every time he comes back to see you. This strengthens the bond between you and your pooch. He will learn that he can come back to you if he experiences a situation that makes him anxious.

Pitou is not comfortable? Don't force him

On the other hand, it is not for all dogs! You have to know your animal well to know if it has its place in such a place. We think we are making it happy, but a dog that does not appreciate the contact of its peers will not be happy there.

It is essential not to force your dog to do something that scares him. We hear too often: "My dog ​​is not comfortable. But by coming to the dog park, he will get used to it." This method, in the dog world, is called "flooding the animal".

This is a bad approach, as it is probably more traumatic than anything else. For example, imagine being locked in a tank full of spiders to overcome your fear of these creatures. Your dog would probably feel the same way: traumatized. Taking your fearful dog to the dog park when there are a lot of dogs around is not a good option.

On the other hand, starting with a relatively calm dog can increase his chances of gaining confidence. As long as he has positive experiences, you will be able to go back to him. If not, it is not the end of the world, and do not force your dog to do something he is afraid of.

Some precautions

As with toddlers at daycare, do not take him if he shows symptoms of illness. At all times, bring him his own bowl of water for the park or let him drink directly from the stream. Indeed, dogs can have oral warts that they transmit to each other. The veterinarian therefore advises never to share our dogs' bowls to avoid them!

Additionally, this is also how dogs can transmit various diseases to each other. Be on the lookout.

Tips to avoid fights

Conflicts at the park are possible. It all happens very quickly. A dog that doesn't want to play, and another doesn't respect the boundaries can be a problematic situation.

It is recommended not to bring toys or food into a dog park to avoid fights. Some dogs may engage in resource guarding and cause unwanted altercations.

Bullying as we know it in humans can also be experienced by dogs. Some are more harassing and your dog could be a victim of this.

Examples of aggressive behaviors include a dog that constantly follows another dog or does not respect the limits imposed by the victim.

You should then calmly remove your aggressor dog and redirect him to other activities. He may also need to be isolated for a while in order to calm down.

Open your eyes

It's best to turn off your cell phone or hide it deep in your big pockets. This special moment you share with your dog shouldn't be limited to managing your emails.

Watch your pet have fun. Learn to recognize his signals of play and discomfort. Prevent potential fights by staying alert. Your dog is your responsibility and you want the activity to be a positive experience.

In short, you should always be careful when you go to the dog park. Remember that you cannot control the other dogs or humans there. If everyone does their part and takes good care of their dog, this dog park can become a great place to go and have fun with your companion.

In conclusion, here is a list of dog parks in Montreal. If you are outside this area, you can also consult this interactive map . You will find inspiring places for your beloved dog to socialize and expend his energy.

Top 10 dog parks on the island of Montreal

  1. Outremont Dog Park (Bates Road/Rockland Avenue)
    Very large unique dog park with a running track and a small wooded area.
  2. Beaconsfield Dog Park (521, av. Elm, Beaconsfield)
    Very large park, with parking, forest trail and an enclosure for small dogs.
  3. Champion Park (behind Monseigneur-Richard secondary school - Rhéaume building)
    Wooded dog park with a relaxed, community feel. Opportunity to take a long walk along the water's edge afterwards.
  4. Percy Walters Park (Dr. Penfield Avenue/Redpath Street)
    Huge dog park with several flower arrangements.
  5. Liébert Park (Cirier Street/Sainte-Claire Street)
    A park with everything your dog needs to have fun; several educational messages present.
  6. Montgomery Dog Park (Dunkik Road/Glencoe Avenue)
    Medium-sized park, but offering several fun attractions such as painted fire hydrants and several benches.
  7. Pointe-aux-Trembles High School Dog Park (15204, rue Sherbrooke Est, Pointe-aux-Trembles)
    Dog park in a multi-purpose park where people are super involved in the safety of the users of the place.
  8. Angrignon dog park (Boulevard Trinitaires/Rue Jogues)
    Dog park offering some agility elements in a natural setting.
  9. Fountain Park (Nuns' Island Blvd/Fountain Square, Verdun)
    Place offering the possibility of making three separate enclosures, in a park with lots of trees.
  10. La Fontaine Park (avenue Émilie-Duployé/rue Sherbrooke)
    Dog park where you can take a break after a walk in the park!