Alternatives to declawing
Declawing your cat, a procedure that seems harmless at first glance, actually hides a much less acceptable side in 2022. The integrity of our furniture and the inconvenience of being scratched are definitely weighty arguments in the balance, but have we thought about the well-being of our felines before all this?
Declawing, or onyxectomy by its real name, is the complete amputation of the cat's 3rd phalanx. A surgery still permitted in Canada but banned in more than 40 countries. This procedure can cause persistent discomfort to cats such as chronic pain, deformity of the paws and even behavioral disorders.
It is important to know that scratching in one's environment is a completely normal and instinctive behavior for felines. It is an action to mark their territory in an olfactory (pheromones) and visual way.
The good news is that there are several very effective and easy alternatives to train your cat to scratch in the desired place. Patience and sometimes a little imagination are required, but your cat will be happy with its environment and you with your furniture intact.
Cat tree/scratching post
These are accessories that seem banal but can become your cat's haven of peace if well adapted and well located.
The type of material it is made of is important to attract your feline's attention. Carpet, wood and rope are ideal materials for sharpening their claws. Much more interesting than your leather couch.
It is advisable to install it in a place that will allow the cat to be in the vicinity of its human while being high and safe. Near a window is also a good location, cats are very curious and love to spy on the neighborhood. If you have several cats, make sure to have several floors to your tree so that everyone is satisfied.
As for the scratching post, the trick is similar to that of the cat tree. The choice of location is the key to its success. Just put it near the object that your cat has mistaken for a scratching post. This way, the cat will have something much more suitable and effective in front of it. It will therefore leave your furniture alone. The choice of the scratching post is also important. It must be high enough for the cat to stretch out at full length. Also, if your kitty is lucky enough to own a cat tree; it is important that the scratching post is made of the same material.
Additionally, using catnip can help your feline scratch where they want to. Simply apply a solution containing catnip to the tree and scratching post to attract your cat's attention to them.
Claw and cut guards
Yes, your cats can also get a manicure/pedicure. Maintaining their claws is a great way to prevent damage to people and property.
Nail clipping and the use of Soft Paws (nail protectors) are treatments accessible to everyone. You can easily find nail clippers and Soft Paws in pet stores to take care of this project yourself. On the other hand, if these tasks seem too complicated for you, do not hesitate to make an appointment at your Animo etc store which will be happy to take care of it for you. Also note that Soft Paws are available in several matching colors to give a cute look to your companion.
In short, there are a range of options that combine the integrity of our homes with the pleasure of felines. All you need to do is find out and apply a few tips so that the entire household is satisfied and in one piece!
Source: Audréanne Lupien, Animal Health Technician (TSA)
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