Do animals need a vacation?

Let's be honest, vacations are a purely human invention! No other species needs to break away from its daily routine to feel good. In fact, we impose a time of rest on our companions when we go on vacation ourselves or when we bring them with us, hoping that they will benefit from it too, but this is not necessarily the case.

Whether we bring our companion with us, have him looked after at home or even in a kennel, he will sense the change in our attitude and will be very aware of a change in routine when we pack his bags. And even if he will most certainly be fine with you or in good hands, the fact remains that he will have to adapt to the situation.

Over the decades, animals have developed an ability to adapt following domestication, because in order to live alongside us and follow our evolution, they have had to learn to accept novelty. Despite this, even if new toys, activities or others can allow our animals to vary their daily lives, they prefer familiar habits and situations. This allows them to evolve in a routine framework that gives them the possibility of controlling a minimum of what happens around them and to feel safe. This is why it is often preferable, when we go on vacation, regardless of whether the animal accompanies us or not, to bring the usual basket, the "doudou", the bowl and a few toys.

A question of temperament
Just like humans, there are animals for whom the change of environment will not cause problems in their behavior, while for others, even if prepared, the change will bring stress and discomfort.

Some studies have shown that the most anxious dogs in an unfamiliar environment may not be able to distinguish between their owner and a stranger. Since the unfamiliar environment seems to be the strongest cause of anxiety in these dogs, it becomes very difficult for them to find comfort in a human, no matter who it is. For others, anxiety is reduced if their owner is present.

As for cats, the same studies have shown that they would be less likely to have stress behaviors in the presence of their owners. However, the cat does not use the attachment figure, in addition to the owner, as a security base to help it explore. However, it is really not easy to adapt this type of study to cats, because the behavior of the latter is very difficult to observe outside their territory. What is certain is that if they are transported outside their home, they will lose some control, which could make adaptation difficult depending on age and temperament.

The attraction to novelty is less strong in cats than in dogs, probably due to differences that exist between the two in the domestication process as well as in their reactions and behaviors. The fact remains that depending on experiences, breed and temperament, there will be some among these two species that will be reassured in the presence of their master, regardless of the situation, and others that will need landmarks to feel good.

On both sides, if you plan to take your pet with you everywhere, or if you know that you will be the type to travel and have him looked after occasionally, then get him used to it as early as possible. It is from a young age that the dog, like the cat, can be sensitized to different stimuli. He must be socialized and also be able to experience different environments in order to develop harmoniously and so that fear is not triggered every time you take the car or another means of transport, or every time you put him in contact with other animals.