Cats, their peculiarities and their behaviors!
Cats are difficult to understand, but at the same time, we are all fascinated as humans and try to understand their different behaviors. We also like to understand each of their peculiarities… What are their whiskers for? Why does he rub his face on my leg or my guest’s? Why does he trample on your pillow, belly or blanket? Why does he have such a rough tongue? No matter how many questions we ask ourselves about them, cats remain special beings that we continually try to understand… Let’s try to demystify some of their behaviors and peculiarities.
Cats' whiskers
Whiskers help your cat “see” in the dark and squeeze into tight spaces. They’re not just thick hairs, they’re sensitive rods that contain lots of nerve cells that help them smell. This makes it easier for them to squeeze into tight spaces without worrying about not having enough room or getting stuck. This way, they can silently wander around the house while you sleep.
The tail of cats
Their tails are useful for communication and to help them maintain balance. Your cat uses their tail to talk to you. A fast-moving tail could mean they are angry or nervous. A low-hanging tail could mean they are scared or surprised. A slow-moving tail with a tail in the air? Your cat is relaxed and happy. Balance is also an important part of a cat's ability to walk like a tightrope walker, much like a human carrying a long pole to help shift their weight.
The need for taurine in the diet
For heart and eye health, cats need taurine in their diet. This helps maintain a healthy balance of their cardiovascular system and eye health. Read labels or ask your pet professional to make sure your cat's food contains enough of this amino acid, which is commonly found in meat. A lack of taurine could lead to heart failure and retinal damage or blindness.
We've all seen our cat jump! Often, when this happens, it's because the cat could have a high stress level. This startle or jump reflex is often linked to a fight or flight response in the brain. When a cat has difficulty coping with the regular constraints of the day, it can develop chronic stress, which increases its reactions. Reactions such as hiding, urinating somewhere other than in its litter box, false sleep or aggression can also be linked to your cat's stress level.
To rub
Cats often rub against objects in an attempt to claim them. The scent glands on their faces secrete pheromones. So when a cat rubs its face against your leg, a toy, or another object, it is releasing its pheromones in an attempt to possess it. As humans, we see this as affection and cuddling, but cats use this type of marking to mainly assert their position in the household. If you have multiple cats, when one of them rubs against you, the others tend to want to do the same as well. In cat language… they are trying to claim you as their property.
The retracting claws
It is to keep their claws sharp that they retract in cats. By retracting, they remain as strong and sharp as possible. Since cats are basically wild animals, this is how they can more easily catch their prey or climb trees. However, in a house, these claws easily tear your beautiful curtains or sofas... It is therefore suggested to cut them regularly using a special nail clipper for pets.
Rough tongue
The cat's tongue is rough to help with grooming and feeding! It contains papillae that act like a detangling brush when cleaning fur or licking up anything edible around prey bones in the wild. Without the spikes in the papillae, fur would become greasy and matted. And of course, in the wild, it is thanks to these that the cat could survive by eating every last bit of prey or food.
Vertical pupils
Cats have dark-seeing eyes with vertical slits. These slits are vertical to help them judge distance. If a cat sees prey running away, their pupils will help them judge how far to jump to catch it. The eyes and pupils also change shape depending on the amount of light or if they are hunting.
The kneading action that cats perform, whether on a pillow, your belly, or on the blankets, is used to comfort them. When the mother cat is caring for her baby, the baby spontaneously and instinctively kneads its mother to help get the milk out. Kneading as an adult still provides a lot of comfort to your cat. A cat usually kneads when it is sleepy or simply happy or comfortable.
Love Bites
Most humans show affection in more gentle ways, but for cats, it is the occasional light bite or nip that will tell you that they feel loved, in love, and happy. This does not mean that your cat is aggressive or angry, but rather represents their affection for you. These bites should never cause you any real pain or be alarming. If your cat becomes an aggressive biter, contact your veterinarian or an animal behaviorist.
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