The 8 Things Humans Do That Annoy Their Dogs!

1- Too much or not enough exercise
A walk or two and a quick game of fetch a day is usually all the exercise most dogs need. But sometimes our lives get too busy, and we skip over these little moments. Without them, your dog becomes bored, destructive, discouraged, and fat. The solution is simple: Commit to doing some reasonable activity with your dog every day. The opposite problem can happen, too! Fit people who go for several miles a day often do so with their dogs. But prolonged runs can be nerve-wracking and even dangerous for some dogs, depending on their age, breed, and temperament. For example, an English Bulldog should not run five miles a day, ever. Nor should a heavy breed like a Mastiff or a small dog like a Chihuahua.

Dogs older than eight years should get permission from their veterinarian before running more than a mile or two. If you want your dog to run with you, make sure his breed is suitable for it. Greyhounds, most sporting or herding dogs (excluding short-bodied spaniels and large retrievers), and most breeds with long legs and flexible muscular frames often make happy running partners. But even for these dogs, running more than five miles can be dangerous in the long run. Worn pads and structural problems can lead to medical intervention or a shortened life. Finding the right exercise balance for your dog is key to success: remember, it's for him, not you. Generally, if your dog has trouble keeping up with you, you've pushed him too far.

2- Too much noise
Dogs have twice the hearing of humans. This allows them to hear sounds much louder than we do, which may be why your dog will lie down in a quiet area when certain entertainment devices are playing. Even a rowdy, noisy crowd watching a sporting event on TV can create anxiety in some dogs. Respect your pet's hearing and keep radios, televisions, and other noises at a reasonable volume. If you're having a party with loud music, move your dog as far away from the noise as possible.

3- Forced socialization
If your dog enjoys being introduced to new people and animals, then by all means let him enjoy the interaction. However, if he is reserved and anxious, forcing him to socialize can be disruptive and even dangerous. Allow your dog to decide when he wants to meet the new person. When this happens, have the new person drop a treat on the ground and say, “Good dog!” When introducing your “not so social” dog to a new canine friend, instead of putting them face to face, take the time to go for a short walk around the block. This will build a sense of teamwork between them and slowly desensitize them to meeting people. After a few blocks, if you feel your dog is comfortable enough to make the formal introductions, then go for it. Just never force him; instead, let his attitudes guide your actions.

4- Dirty water
In addition to collecting dirt, food bits, hair, and other debris, your dog's water can also become contaminated with bacteria and other infectious agents, especially if other dogs drink from the bowl. Outdoor bowls can be very vulnerable to contamination or to someone forgetting to refill them regularly with fresh water. Stinking water or a dry bowl is a good way to annoy your thirsty dog. Clean and refill his water bowl with fresh water every day. If a new dog comes to visit, provide him with a bowl of his own to prevent the risk of infection. According to one study, a community water bowl can become infected with infectious agents including gardia, parvo, leptospirosis, and other dangerous contaminants. So stay away from public water bowls!

5- Too many baths
No one wants a dog that smells like a dog in their home. But dogs were never meant to be bathed as often as humans. If their skin and fur are stripped of their natural oils too often, both will become dry and unhealthy. Dry skin can lead to chronic scratching, hot spots, and general dermatitis. Most dogs don’t like being bathed because it requires their bodies to be soaked and handled while they are vulnerable. Most hate having their feet and legs handled and their eyes covered in soap—which is understandable! Also, many people don’t use warm enough water when bathing their dogs. If yours smells or is clearly dirty, then bathe him. But don’t schedule a weekly shower just because you think it’s the right thing to do. Bathing removes dirt, dead hair, and skin. When bathing your dog, brush him first. Then use warm water – not hot or cold – and a gentle shampoo for sensitive dog skin. It gently cleans, soothes dry skin and fur, and can smell great.

6- Incomprehensible requests
Enough with the monologues! Dogs are very good at understanding certain word associations related to actions, behaviors, and things, but they don’t understand grammar, syntax, and abstract meanings. Still, we often talk to them with too many words, thinking they understand what we’re saying. That’s perfectly fine, of course—unless you’re trying to communicate to your dog what you want him to do. Aside from appreciating your tone of voice, he often doesn’t understand where you’re going or what you’re saying. He’s much better at reading your body language or picking up on certain key words. If you want him to understand something, don’t talk for five minutes and get bogged down in explanations that he doesn’t understand anyway. Be specific with your words and tone and always use posture (think “hand signals” such as, a hand in the air to ask him to lie down, or your hand beckoning him to come to you or running away to ask him to follow you). This will allow you to interact more effectively without confusing your dog by leaving him lost as to what you want from him. Our dogs love to please us; our job is to give them the tools to do so.

7- Manhandle
Children are fast, unpredictable and impulsive, and can often upset or upset a dog, especially one who is not used to their unpredictable and rambunctious nature. Children may chase him, pull his ears or tail, try to ride him like a horse (a big NO!) or even take his toys. Any of these actions can result in a bite to the face or hands. Before a child comes into your home, talk to the parents and explain the protocol for children. When they arrive, let your dog greet them and have them give the dog a treat or two. Afterwards, simply keep the atmosphere calm. If the children want to play too rough with or around the dog and it seems to upset the dog, simply put him in another room where the youngsters will not be able to go.

8- Interruptions at mealtimes
You should, of course, always be able to take the bowl away from your dog when needed, without any resistance from him. So, teach him that taking his bowl will always result in a good consequence. With the bowl empty to start, pick it up and place a treat in it, then put it back down. Repeat this often. Then, without warning, do the same thing when your dog is eating. But once this behavior is learned, minimize this handling and let your dog eat. If someone regularly touched your dish during your meal, it would irritate you. The same rule applies to your dog, for whom the best time of day is right now. Let him eat in peace and advise your family members to do the same.