Cat litter: how to choose?

Which cat litter to choose? This is a question worth asking.

Indeed, if you thought you could opt for a cheap litter found on a shelf... Think again!

Know that in spite of yourself, it is your cat who will decide. Felines are very sensitive to their litter and if it does not suit them, they will shun it without any further ado!

Clumping cat litter

We prefer a cat litter in the form of granules, based on bentonite or sepiolite, which aggregate around the droppings to form balls that are easily removed each day with a small shovel.

Compared to traditional litters, the advantage is threefold for the following reasons:
  • less odor, with a benefit not only for owners, but also for cats, who do not like smelly environments.
  • cleaning the box, which is completely emptied, becomes weekly and no longer daily.
  • Granules are less dusty than sand.

This is a very important factor for the health of the cat's bronchi, which, in permanent contact with dust, could develop a form of respiratory allergy known as feline asthma. We therefore understand the importance of choosing a suitable litter for it.

Plant-based cat litter

As with rodents, you can use wood shavings for your cat's litter.
Flax litter is particularly absorbent and regulates odors well.
As it is natural, it can be emptied into the garden compost after use!

Source: Warniz

For further questions, please contact an Animo Etc branch near you.