My cat is acting up!
The cat is a mysterious pet, which can act in a very funny way, but also in a disconcerting way. Why does it act this way? We can ask ourselves a thousand and one questions. Here are some feline attitudes deciphered.
Kitty bites her "claws"
There are a number of reasons why your cat is biting his "claws." Kitty is simply giving himself a little manicure, or maybe he's anxious and has a bad habit (just like humans). Since this habit can be hard to break, find the root of the problem to see if indeed a bundle of nerves is causing him to chew his claws.
The Eye of the Tiger
When your cat gives you a tiger's eye look or stares intently at something, watch out! He's probably getting ready to pounce on his next prey. Cats like to examine their victims to make sure they're ready when they sense they're "grabbable." So watch out for yourself or the object you're after!
Random sprint
Is your cat running at an extremely fast speed and bouncing on the couch? Don’t be afraid. Your feline, who can run up to 30 mph, is just getting exercise! Most house cats have an extreme amount of pent-up energy that needs to be released. If you don’t exercise your kitty regularly, it might be a good idea to start playing with him or taking him for walks to avoid the random sprints around the house.
Undistinguished posture
Why do we humans sprawl in undesirable positions? Because it’s comfortable, of course! Same for kitty. When your cat flops on his back with his legs open, he’s relaxed, happy, and trusting you. He knows he’s safe in your presence and can relax.
Rubbing against you
The reason your cat rubs against furniture is the same reason he likes to rub against you. He is offering you his “scent”; you are his human and he wants the world to know it. By releasing pheromones, your cat is proud to know that you are his property.
Feel your face
Cats are naturally curious animals and this includes a huge curiosity towards humans. They love to smell your face, your breath and the general scent. They really enjoy the warmth that humans give off. If you don't mind, let kitty smell as much as he wants because it will only make him love you and trust you more.
Short and long meow
A short, soft meow means your cat is greeting and welcoming you. Over time, this meow will be accompanied by a jump into your lap or a rub against you; reward him by greeting him with a hug. A longer meow may mean kitty is hungry…now!
Imitate a baby
Your cat learns to communicate with you the same way a baby does—by listening carefully and imitating. So when he meows like a baby, he’s probably imitating your intonation when you talk to him. It’s typical for humans to talk to an animal the same way they talk to a baby—through simple words and soft vocalization. Your cat just wants to engage in conversation.
Have you ever heard that weird teeth chattering sound coming from your cat? If so, he's probably feeling frustrated that he's not getting what he wants. The baby goat-like sound is completely normal, although it can be quite annoying.
Laying on what we are using right now
Books, newspapers, or computer keyboards. Your cat is lying on your newspaper, right where you are reading. Not only does kitty want to be near you because he knows you will give him the loving attention he craves, but he also likes to feel safe. When you are doing something that relaxes you, being near you will relax him too. Plus, he thinks you might remember his scent and want to be near him again.
Rolling on the floor
Cats like to roll around on the floor to show you that they want to play and that they trust you. It often takes a long time to gain their trust and for them to submit to their owner. A playful roll is just that – an attempt to have some play time with their owner.
Sleeping on you
There's no scientific reasoning behind why your cat loves a good chest hug, but there is a hypothesis. Your cat loves to feel your warmth and your heartbeat. He likes to be close to you and feels safe knowing that when he lays on you, you won't go anywhere without him knowing. So, if you don't mind, cuddle him back.
Belly in the air
Come pet me! When kitty is lying on his back with his belly exposed, he is comfortable and ready for a pet. He trusts you.
To bite
Cats bite for many reasons: because they are stressed, annoyed, angry, want to play or simply because biting is innate. Don't worry if one minute he is purring with love and the next minute he is nipping at you. Whatever your reaction to the bite, don't yell at him. Just tell him "No" and walk away or blow in his face to show him your displeasure for the love bite.
“Knead” with your paws
When your cat seems to be kneading something with his paws, it means he is happy and content. Usually, for him, kneading like this (in coordination with a loud purr) in the same spot over and over again reminds him of nursing from his mother. Kittens kneaded with their paws to get milk from their mother.
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