Don't give a pet for Christmas!

Christmas is a joyous time, but it's not the best time to welcome a new dog, cat, or other animal into your family. That's why it's important to resist the temptation to give a living being as a "gift."

Pets require time, attention, patience, and money—things that are in short supply this season. Adopting a companion means committing to loving and caring for them for at least 15 years. It also means finding an individual who will best match the activities, experience, abilities, and personalities of the family members. This is not a decision that can be made for someone else.

Many animals given as “gifts” are abandoned in shelters or thrown out after the holidays, when the novelty wears off and families feel overwhelmed.

Don’t let the holidays end in heartbreak. If you know your loved ones are interested in fostering a pet, and are willing and able to provide a forever home for them, consider packing a bowl, a bed, and a shelter adoption voucher. That way, those who receive the gift can choose for themselves the companion that will fit their personality and lifestyle after the frenzy of the season has passed.

Ways to Help Abandoned Animals

Encourage adoption around you

The best way to help pets is to raise awareness about the plight of animals that end up abandoned. If you know someone who is about to bring a new pet into their home, encourage them to adopt from a shelter instead of buying from a breeder or pet store, which only increases the number of animals in already overcrowded shelters.

Understand the importance of sterilization

It is vital to always have your pet spayed or neutered, and to share this message with your loved ones. Indeed, a single female cat and her kittens can lead to 360,000 births in just 6 years.

Become a volunteer

Most shelters are looking for volunteers to walk the many abandoned dogs, especially in late summer when the cages and pens are full to bursting with homeless animals. Visit a shelter near you today to learn more about how you can help these animals in need.

Make a donation

If you don't have time to visit a shelter regularly, consider supporting the work of organizations that fight against abandonment and care for the thousands of animals who find themselves without homes. You can contribute financially or by donating bedding, food, toys, or other essential items.

Source: Petafrance