Our dogs and sugar
Everyone loves sugar, even our canine friends. However, most people know that sweet treats are not recommended and even forbidden for canines. Why are some sweet foods so dangerous for our pooches?
In addition to creating a risk of diabetes and overweight, this can greatly disrupt their digestive system and in more serious cases, damage the liver.
Here are some explanations on two foods that are particularly risky for our companions: chocolate and xylitol.
Chocolate can be found in many forms and types: white chocolate, milk chocolate, dark chocolate, baking chocolate, etc. A sweet treat that seems harmless but can be very dangerous for our animals.
What makes it so harmful to them?
This contains caffeine and theobromine which can be very toxic to animals if consumed in excessive amounts.
Following the consumption of chocolate, here are the physical signs that can be seen on your pooch, depending on the quantity consumed:
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Hustle
- Trembling
- Increased heart rate (Tachycardia)
- Convulsion
Xylitol is a sweetener that is often found in products called "sugar-free". It is often used in several products such as candy, peanut butter, chocolate and others. With the arrival of certain ketogenic diets, we find it even more often in our daily lives.
This additive is particularly dangerous. It is quickly absorbed by the stomach and causes hypoglycemia in your dog. It can even lead to severe liver failure.
The toxic dose is as low as 0.1g/kg, so a small ingestion can cause serious consequences for your pet's health.
In conclusion, when ingesting toxic products, always contact your veterinarian as soon as possible to get the appropriate recommendations according to the product ingested. NEVER MAKE YOUR PET VOMIT WITHOUT THE AUTHORIZATION OF A VETERINARIAN. Your pet's life may be at stake so you must act quickly and adequately.
Source: Audréanne Lupien, Animal Health Technician (TSA)