Dog park: how to behave

Does your dog need a change of scenery? A good idea to consider is taking him to a dog park. He will be able to play, run and socialize with people other than his owner and other dogs. These activities will benefit him both physically and mentally. On the other hand, your pooch will not necessarily be able to happily go to the park without supervision.

Tips to remember when visiting a dog park:
  • Watch your dog and don't be inattentive.
  • Pay attention to other dogs and their body language.
  • Stop play and calm their behavior, if necessary, and move your dog away if he is frightened or intimidated by others.
  • Leave your pet's toys at home so he doesn't have to watch them.

When is it time to stop playing?
When a fight seems imminent, it is time to stop the game. Questionable behaviors such as bullying, possessiveness over a toy (play fighting), and wrestling or if more than two dogs are involved are serious clues to stop the game.

Aggressive behavior such as biting, excessive barking, or cornering another animal is inappropriate in a dog park and should be stopped immediately.

Health tips to follow:
  • Have your dog dewormed for parasites so that you don't infect other dogs or get infected in return.
  • Have your dog's vaccinations up to date.
  • If you plan to visit a dog park often, ask your veterinarian about vaccination against Bordetella bacteria, commonly known as "kennel cough," a contagious respiratory infection, and vaccination against leptospirosis, a disease that can be present in standing water or urine.

Visiting a dog park will certainly be a new adventure for you and your dog, but make sure your companion is healthy and well-protected. Also, be prepared to supervise him properly.