Heatwave period with our pets

Hooray! The summer period is finally making its grand entrance. Summer is often synonymous with vacations for most of us. Whether it's a long vacation abroad or relaxing in the yard, it is important to take several precautions with your companions on very hot days.
The most dangerous condition during this period is heat stroke. Well known in humans, this malaise also affects animals. A good knowledge of this condition is the key to avoiding an emergency visit to your veterinarian.
This condition, more common than you might think, can occur on very hot summer days. Heatstroke is an increase in your pet's body temperature above 40°C (normal temperature between 37.5 and 39°C).
Did you know that dogs are more sensitive to intense heat than humans? Prolonged exposure to the sun is more difficult for them. This is because, unlike us, they cannot sweat to help regulate body temperature simply because they do not have sweat glands. So, they only use their breath to try to cool themselves down.
Here are several predisposing factors:
  • Day in the sun without shade
  • Lack of water to drink/cool off
  • Intense/prolonged exercise
  • Left in a car without proper air conditioning
It is important to quickly see the clinical signs presented by your companion, because heatstroke can be fatal for your animal if it is not treated in time.
Here are some warning signs:
  • Significant increase in breathing rate (panting)
  • Hypersalivation
  • Very dark red, very pale pink or blue gums
  • Digestive signs (vomiting, diarrhea)
  • Muscle weakness
  • Neurological disorders (loss of balance, seizures)
If your pet appears to be exhibiting one or more of these signs, consult your veterinarian promptly!
Here are some tips to help keep your pooch cool on hot days:
  • Always make sure you have a good-sized patch of shade, no matter what time of day it is.
  • Have fresh water available at all times.
  • Place damp towels in the freezer and set them out to dry if needed.
  • If you have a pool, he can go swimming in it. Make sure his coat dries evenly to avoid a hot spot.
  • You can find delicious frozen recipes for your pet online. Make sure it is a reliable site and that the ingredients are non-toxic to them.
  • Avoid afternoon walks on asphalt on hot days. Favor early morning or evening walks to avoid pad burns.
Wishing you a wonderful and safe summer with the whole family!

Audréanne Lupien, Animal Health Technician