Playing sports with your pet

Exercising with your pet has its share of benefits. It allows you to bond and enjoy some quality time with your pet. Plus, it's a great opportunity for both you and your pet to exercise while having fun and burning calories.
An outing with your companion relieves his daily stress as well as yours. However, for these moments of complicity to be positive, your pet must have fun above all. He will not appreciate stress or the feeling of pain. You and him must absolutely enjoy it!
Here are some tips to enrich your pet's life and health through exercise.
Your dog, no matter his age, needs to get exercise every day. While some breeds have special needs that need to be met and dogs slow down as they age, they still need to get some form of daily physical activity. Without exercise, your dog will become bored, frustrated, and less than optimal. Exercise tones muscles, helps the body and metabolism function properly, and engages the mind. Anyone who has had a dog that suffers from a lack of physical activity and mental stimulation will tell you that their pet will often turn to destructive behaviors—behaviors that magically disappear once the dog starts going outside every day.
Physically, dogs also become obese if they don't burn enough calories. This is especially true if they are given lots of treats to compensate for the lack of attention.
Too much exercise?
Since exercise needs are based on a dog's age, breed, size, and overall health, your dog should get between thirty minutes and two hours of exercise each day. This is especially true if your dog is a breed that is part of the hunting, working, or herding groups (e.g., Labradors, hounds, collies, and shepherds).
Requirements aren't as easy to establish for all other dogs. Since most are of mixed heritage, their needs will be different depending on the breed they descend from. If your dog is a short-nosed breed, such as a bulldog, he won't need much daily exercise. A casual walk around the block will be sufficient. Pay attention to your companion's cues. If he's fidgeting, he's probably eager to go out for a nice walk. If, on the other hand, he's just hanging around, he may not have such a great need for exercise. A short walk will suffice.
Less active or older dogs may have conditions that slow them down. Whether it's excess weight, joint and muscle pain, they still need activity to keep their bodies functioning as they should.
If you have concerns about whether your dog can handle a long walk or if you need to set up an exercise plan for him, talk to your veterinarian. Start slowly if he hasn't been used to being physically active and observe his response. Your companion should be tired, but not exhausted, when he finishes his daily exercise.
Tips before starting an exercise program
Before starting an exercise program with your dog, be sure to consult your veterinarian for a health check. They can recommend an exercise plan that is appropriate for your pet's age, breed, and condition. Start slowly and work your way up to longer walks or routines that feel appropriate. Also, plan a warm-up and cool-down period at the end of your session. A leisurely walk in the park or around the block before exercising should be enough to warm up the muscles.
And remember, mental stimulation is just as important as physical exercise. Don’t be afraid to try new running trails with your dog, go to different dog parks in your area, or introduce new toys and games to your routine. Most importantly, exercise with him every day, not just on the weekends, even if it’s just for a short time. At the very least, both dogs and humans can benefit from thirty minutes of physical activity each day. Start simple, without putting pressure on yourself or your dog, and you’ll find that you’ll look forward to working out with him.
Exercising with your cat, not so complicated
While it's true that cats have the advantage of having a high metabolism that works even when they're lounging around (see lions in the wild), they still need physical activity to keep them from living a sedentary lifestyle and becoming obese.
Unlike dogs, cats can’t be tied up on a leash and taken for a walk around the block—well, some can, but their little feline needs to be trained from a very young age. With a little imagination and a bit of trial and error, you can find ways to encourage your cat to be more active. Playing with him can be a great form of encouragement. All it takes is a few creative ideas to keep him entertained and active!
Ten to fifteen minutes of activity a few times a day is enough for your cat. Young cats and kittens will usually take the initiative to play. They will probably want to continue playing long after you stop distracting them.
Older and overweight cats are a little harder to get moving. They may no longer have the stamina or interest to play for long periods of time, but they should still be given short bursts of activity throughout the day. Start with a few minutes at a time, a few times a day. Once you find something that piques their interest, try different versions of that activity, gradually increasing the amount of time you spend playing.