What does hemp oil do for my pet?

Hemp oil is perfect for your pet's metabolism, whether small or large. The essential fatty acids combined with the vitamins and minerals contained in hemp will strengthen their immune system in addition to keeping their coat shiny and silky.

Do you consume hemp yourself in the form of seeds, oil or proteins? You are then able to see all the benefits on your health. It is also possible and advisable to include hemp oil in your pet's diet, whether it is a rodent, a cat, a dog or a horse!

Hemp oil is also highly recommended for relieving allergic reactions and skin problems in both humans and animals.

Most commercial foods do not contain the adequate level of essential fatty acids for your pet's good health. Especially since these disappear during cooking. Hemp oil integrated into your pet's daily diet will therefore contribute to maintaining good health. Its perfect balance of Omega 3 and Omega 6 will provide your pet with the many benefits of essential fatty acids, essential for the proper development of tissues and for the functioning of the reproductive, ocular and nervous systems.

Indeed, hemp oil is the only vegetable oil that has a perfect ratio between Omega 3 and Omega 6. For 15 ml of oil, we find 2.5 g of Omega 3 and 8 g of Omega 6. These fatty acids are essential, but are not produced by the body, and must therefore be found in food or supplements. Essential fatty acids play a crucial role in basic brain functions. Simply mix hemp oil into his bowl of food and voila! He will love it.

Hemp Oil for Your Pet's Skin Health
You can also apply hemp oil directly to your pet's skin. It will help quickly relieve itching and stimulate cell regeneration. Hemp oil will help heal wounds while protecting the skin from pathogens. It will also help keep the skin hydrated. Regular use of hemp oil will help your pet maintain a shiny and silky coat. As a bonus, it will even help control hair loss!

In short, the health benefits of consuming and applying hemp oil are numerous for humans. And it is the same for our animal friends.

Hemp oil has many health benefits for your pet:
  • Increases its vitality and therefore its energy
  • Helps maintain a healthy immune system
  • Supports natural defenses
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Reduces joint pain and allergy symptoms
  • Helps control hair loss
  • Keeps the coat shiny and therefore healthy
  • Reduces the risk of cardiovascular problems
  • Reduces the risk of stroke and blood clots
  • Acts on insulin functions
  • Improves absorption of vitamins and minerals into cells
  • Repairs and strengthens the structure of skin tissue
  • Protects and rebalances dry and damaged skin